Binge watched tv shows

We finished the second season of The Witcher and liked it. Last night we started The Gilded Age on HBO Max. I always love a fun period piece and this looks like it will be a light and fluffy one!

Squamish is on the road to Whistler, and not far from Vancouver, if that helps place it for you. My wifeā€™s first job was only about 1/2 hr away from where MAL was brought up, also. That is a fertile valley, but surrounded by mountains. I can imagine him sitting in a classroom, failing, not being able to concentrate, then looking out the windows and being drawn to them.
I used to work on heights. Some people have no fear, some are terrified. I was more towards the latter, but had to do it or I couldnā€™t work. You do get better and more comfortable with it, but that experience cancelled out any urge to climb- I simply canā€™t imagine doing that for pleasure. One thing they didnā€™t focus on in the movie was the coldā€¦imagine doing all that when your fingers are numb? It gets cold up there, especially when you are exposed to the inevitable wind.

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57special - that whole Squamish/Vancouver area looks just beautiful! Interesting that you worked on heights while not being a fan - itā€™s not easy!

I am the same re: the cold - I canā€™t picture doing that perilous climbing admid ice, snow, storms. I wear a puffy jacket in the house when it drops below 72! I guess that was part of the appeal of The Alpinist - so far from my comfort zone in so many ways!

I have other comments on As We See It but donā€™t want to spoil anything. Wouldnā€™t it be nice if a show like that resulted in higher pay for those who work in the field.


We binged on Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window last night. Saving final two episodes for tonight. It was entertaining but thought it fell short on the parody part. I thought Kristen Bell did a great job with the role.


We finished binging the 2 seasons of Vienna Blood (PBS passport) and recommend it if you like Sherlock type shows.

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Iā€™ve been watching this also - three episodes in. Iā€™m not a fan of the genre itā€™s spoofing, but do appreciate all the references. The plot is ok, but Kristen Bell is indeed excellent in the role. Sheā€™s using Veronica Mars skills!


I wanted to like the GIlded Age more than I did. Iā€™m very interested in that time period and Iā€™ve been Googling about the filming locations. The CGI is very disturbing, the dialogue is stilted and the actresses donā€™t look comfortable in their costumes the way the Downton Abbey cast always did. BUT Iā€™ve watched both episodes and will probably continue with it.

I wondered about this. Kristin Bell is such a draw.


We tried first episode of As We See It last night. I liked it, but hubby is not so sure. (He has liked many other dramas with meā€¦ Parenthood, Friday Night Lights, Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife etc). Do you folks think it is worth trying another episode before deciding?

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Yes itā€™s worth it but I think there are some problems with it. if/when you finish PM me and we can discuss!

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@compmom, maybe you could start a thread about it? I am a therapist at a community mental health clinic and it happens that several of my clients are parents of late teens and young adults with autism. The residents of the household shown in As We See It are higher functioning than the children of my clients, and certainly none of my clients could begin to pay for the home depicted in the show. I find myself having to watch it in small doses, half an episode at a time. I think I have 1.5 episodes left. I would love to discuss further.

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I watched 6 out of the 7 episodes of Book of Boba Fett. The show is turning out to be a wheel spinning dumpster fire.

I just started a thread about it. Iā€™d love to hear from you, and others who have watched.

I canā€™t write about it without spoiling it!

The thread has a warning about spoilers.

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Watched 4 episodes of the new Reacher series. I have read all 25 Reacher novels and I think the actor who plays Reacher is physically much more like the Reacher the author (Lee Child) describes. Much better casting than Tom Cruise who played Reacher in two movies based on the novels.


I agree. Iā€™ve read (and enjoyed) all the books and think the show has gotten pretty much everything right. Somehow my husband and daughter got sucked into watching even though Iā€™d intended for it to be just a me thing.


I canā€™t wait to see Reacher. My sons and I were not thrilled with the casting of TC in the movies - he was nothing like the Reacher in the books.


Totally agree with the new Jack Reacher.

I still canā€™t wrap my head around Tom Cruise playing Reacher. What was he (or anyone involved) thinking?