Binge watched tv shows

We watched Severance. In hindsight we really like it, but to be honest we kept looking at each other and saying things like “this is weird” and “things will eventually make sense, right?”. We liked the cast and acting. The story evolves slowly but by the last episode I can say we have no regrets investing the time to watch it…and sorry I can’t think of anything to which I’d compare it.

I just wish they’d hurry up with the second season. I’m afraid by the time it’s released, I’ll have forgotten some things. One of the things I like about binging is not having to wait…this from someone who started watching Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones around the time of their respective last seasons.


When I’m watching older shows, I often notice how out of date the technology is - old flip phones or even pay phones, desk top computers that are as big as a house, console TVs. Yesterday I was watching a show that was probably from 2000 and they were driving in Barstow, CA. Price of gas? $1.54!

So interesting that both @milgymfam and @88jm19 share similar thoughts about Severance! I had a feeling it might be a little futuristic creepy but I’m ok with that as long as it’s not violent (is it??)

I don’t recall physical violence. It does have some creepy/disturbing psychological elements.

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I loved BC. We put the subtitles on so we could understand the dialogue!

Watching, and enjoying, Under the Banner of Heaven (Hulu).

Is the show based on Jon Krakauer’s novel of the same name or is it an entirely different premise?

Loosely based on it.

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Finished watching The Split on Hulu. Thanks to whoever recommended it. Some great acting, some very true commentary on divorce and its impact. H only watched a part of it with me - he found it too slow!


I thought I subscribe to every service, including AMC. I can not get BCSaul season 6 to come up anywhere!

Are you watching AMC in real time? I’m not sure why you’re not finding it (Mondays at 9 PM/EST).

Looks like it might be on Netflix too.

I got it on Prime a couple days ago–99cents/month for two months

We just watched The Split. It was so well done. The characters were believable and the acting was outstanding. I love Nicola Walker in anything.


@psychmomma thanks for the recommendation of The Split. First time I’ve heard of it and I’m a big fan of Nicola Walker.

I just watched the first episode and look forward to bingeing the rest. I don’t normally watch things on Hulu (forgot my son has a subscription so fortunately I could watch it) but geez, the constant breaks for commercials is annoying! Thankfully each season is only six episodes.

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That’s so interesting. I have Hulu and pay just $.99/month. No commercials for anything including next-day network shows. It must be some kind of deal but I don’t remember how I got it!

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@oldmom4896 maybe it’s the type of subscription my son has? He gets Hulu free with his Spotify subscription so maybe that’s why there are commercials? I actually started looking at my watch - there were commercials in less than 10 min intervals! 7x in a less than hour long program. May be that’s why I never use my son’s subscription.

I have Hulu with ads for $5.99/month I think? I also get restless with the ads after being spoiled with ad free Netflix and Amazon prime.

H and I just finished Game of Thrones. We were very late to the party on this one, but in the end we have enjoyed it.


SPOILER for Better Call Saul:

“Fun and Games” clarified the fate of Jimmy and Kim’s relationship. What an episode. However, there are 4 episodes left and I still want to believe that Kim and Jimmy end up together in Nebraska. It will break my heart if Kim dies. One fan theory has her taking her own life.

This show is just so beautifully shot. The episode’s theme is loss. Gus, Mike, Nacho’s father, Jimmy–they all have lost someone they love and just try to fill a void. Mike trying to reach out to Nacho’s father (they both have lost sons) and being rebuffed was painful.

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