Binge watched tv shows

I have friends who watched and said they cried like crazy. Now I’m intrigued. I live in the land of the Sopranos and never really watched it and I can’t tell anyone, I need to watch.

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No release date yet for Mrs. Maisel. Season 4 was February 2022 so maybe they will shoot for sometime around then.

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I’m a slow binger so still working on Parenthood (which I have grown to really, really love though I’m NOT loving one sibs story in season 5 - ugh) BUT D1 recently told me about Derry Girls so hoping to start that soon.


We really enjoyed Parenthood. We bounce around on shows and spread it out over a long time .
Sometimes we’d be frustrated by a character(s) or storyline… but all in all we thought it was a good show and were sad when it ended.

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Parenthood was a “hate-watch” for me. I would watch it even though I hated pretty much every character. But I didn’t stop watching.

I often can’t stand Zeke Braverman (the dad) - his nature is a cringeworthy to me.


I also live in Soprano land, have never watched it, and most certainly never will. Just have zero interest. (Though have eaten many times in the place that the last scene was filmed.)

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I watched it, beginning to end, about a year ago. IMHO it is really good, on many levels.


I just have an antipathy to mob stories. Also for “hey he’s a terrible person, but is he really?” themes.

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I get that. But fundamentally it was a family story–at least that’s how I saw it.


Well you of course know it, and I don’t. But still, I’m absolutely not drawn to it.

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Another big fan of Better Things!

From Scratch was good, but also hard to watch.

We just watched the first three episodes of The Crown last night with our oldest who was over visiting. I admit I’m having a little bit of a hard time with the casting. It was so brilliant last season. Charles is just kinda wrong. Diana is okay, but seems too tall. I liked last season’s Diana better. Imelda Staunton is a great actress, but I have trouble not seeing Professor Umbridge. I like Philip maybe better than last season’s Philip.


I’m through episode 9 and agree with these observations. A lot of people on my tv boards are also having trouble separating Imelda from Dolores. I do like the Peter Townsend casting!

And this season, they seem to want you to dislike everyone (except William).

I totally agree. It’s sort of the uncanny valley problem. They are just a little off, and because we are now in a time period where I saw the originals (at least occasionally) on TV it’s more disturbing. Totally agree that I just can’t unsee Professor Umbridge. She has those unfortunate little piggy eyes. Also thought the Queen Mum seems to be weirdly thin.


I thought that was the strangest casting.

It seems weird to me, but it’s a common comment on other sites, that viewers are unable to separate talented actors from prior roles.

Our problem with the old Prince Philip is all we could see was Black Jack Randall from Outlander, also played by Tobias Menzies. If you’re not familiar with Outlander, a DESPICABLE character.


I thought I would have trouble disassociating Matt Smith from Doctor Who when he played Prince Phillip, but he did a great job. And I totally bought into him as Daemon in House of the Dragon. Maybe it’s more the strong villains that lock the actor.

I remember watching the 2019 Downton Abbey movie when it showed up on cable, then immediately watching an episode of The Spanish Princess and trying to figure out how Lady Edith ended up in Henry’s court.

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A very weird, strange, so-well-written-we-couldn’t-stop-watching: “Inside Man” with Stanley Tucci. Really good acting and just a really imaginative script. Only four episodes.

We are watching “The Detectorists” on Acorn which is a Brit comedy about metal hunters hoping for that one big discovery. Of course, it’s about their lives and all, too. It has kept us watching. We’ll see how it goes.

We watched episode 1 of the new season of “The Crown”. I’ll have to get used to the updated actors playing those parts. It’s a little “off” for me somehow.

It seems like we’re always waiting for things we like to continue. I have such a hard time keeping track.


The Crown, Season 5 - I’ve watched through episode 6. Still good tv but not one of my favorite seasons. I like when they go back in time to give the background to a story. I prefer the small less known stories to the ones that were overplayed in the media already, although I’ve gotten some details of those I wasn’t aware of since I didn’t pay too much attention at the time to the Charles/Diana separation. Some of the casting I think is great. I do like the latest Phillip, but I’m distracted by the weird thing the Diana actress does with her head and the Charles actor is too attractive to be Charles. The Queen doesn’t bother me because I only know her from Downton Abbey.