Binge watched tv shows

I watched them the other way around and was horrified at how evil Prince Philip could be. (I also stopped watching Outlander in the middle of season 2. It was too much for me.)

I finished The Crown last night and totally understand why Earl Spencer and Princess Margaret, among others, were so incensed. The show plays fast and loose with the personalities and some of the history. I was similarly aggravated by the latest Julia miniseries, which did the same and had its own agenda. Although Julia was not my own family ;).

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Just watched the first episode of S5 of The Crown, and I wasnā€™t wild about it. It was okay, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll end up watching the rest of S5 at some point, but it didnā€™t really make me want to rush to watch E2. I really donā€™t like the new Prince Charles. And regarding the Queen and Prince Phillip, couldnā€™t they have just kept Olivia Colman and Tobias Menzies and aged them up a bit? They were both so good, and I feel that would have been a much better choice.


Yeah, the first four episodes of From Scratch went down so easy but the last four were hard to watch. So worth it though! For some reason, the story is really resonating with me and I am still thinking about it days after. The fact that it is based on a true story (Tembi Lockeā€™s memoir) and with all the losses suffered from the pandemicā€¦ I also loved the actor who played Lino - he was so good! And I canā€™t believe Zoe Saldana, who is 44 years old, was able to successfully sell being a law student in her early twenties!!

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I think itā€™s kind of neat that Dominic Westā€™s real son is playing Prince William. His son looks so much like him.

But thatā€™s how he was. In real life he seemed to be very strict and judgmental. He hated Fergie and the party line was that she was rarely invited if he was (some of the weddings were exceptions, but she didnā€™t sit anywhere near him).

I think what @one_two meant was that Tobias Menzies, who played Prince Philip, was very evil as Black Jack Randall on Outlander.

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Yea, evil Jack Randall scenes required fast-forward scenes at our house. Luckily subsequent seasons had less gruesome evil scenes.

Over the past 2 nights we watched Inside Man (Netflix, 4 episodes) with Stanley Tuchi. I thought it was good. Hubby thought is was OK.

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He was also appropriately cringey as Brutus in Rome, which has to be one of my all time favorite historical dramas.

After finally finishing , and loving, The Fringe, W and I have been looking around for something to watch. We struggled through Rings Of Power, and watched the three part documentary, Island of the Sea Wolves, which we liked, but didnā€™t love. We have two Formula 1 loving sons, so feel no need to watch any more as they keep us abreast of all the F1 news.

I have been watching Peripheral, partly because I want to impress my game playing sons with how "with it" I am(I have never played a video game to destroyed trying to play FIFA once). Peripheral is partly about a brother and sister who start playing an experimental video game that takes a turn. Not my thing, normally...I tend to turn off trailer park'ish shows where the actors are saying Y'all, as i find them cliche.
 This one has kind of grabbed me. Doesn't have the humour that I normally like in my shows, but  otherwise it's pretty interesting. Maybe one or two token "bad guys(and girls)" that I wish were a bit more fleshed out, but in general, its worth watching, for me.

I imagine itā€™s been mentioned upthread, but H and I only recently began watching Community, and liking it more and more all the time. Really pushes the limits of a sitcom. Love all the ways it explores television tropes, yet has a lot of heart in all the mayhem. Weā€™re almost done with season three and really enjoying it.


Final season of Dead To Me starts streaming today.


Iā€™m already two episodes in (while on treadmill)!

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Well, it appears that Iā€™m in the minority, but I really enjoyed Season 5 of ā€œThe Crown.ā€ I thought that the actress who played Diana did an incredible job. Such a sad story. I canā€™t believe itā€™s been 25 years since she passed away. Itā€™s also hard to believe that Charles didnā€™t become King until he was almost 74.


I havenā€™t started watching Season 5 of the Crown yet, but when I saw that Dominic West was cast as Charles, I was a bit puzzled. To me, he will always be Det. Jimmy McNulty from The Wire - a character about as far from Prince Charles as you can get.


I enjoyed it as well, although perhaps not as much as earlier seasons.

What frustrates me about the discussion on other sites is how many viewers treat it like a documentary. Some of these scenes are pure artistic license; read nothing further into them


I just got a Covid booster, this is good news.


Yes, the first thing I do after each episode is look up to see what is true and what is fiction. Iā€™m usually surprised at what IS truth!

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What I miss in season 5 of the Crown is the tying in of historical events to the Royalā€™s story- I felt that added interest to prior seasons.


Makes sense.

I wish they had had at least one scene of Diana obtaining clothes, ha. It must have taken up a lot of her time, she had such an incredible wardrobe.