Binge watched tv shows

This one is a documentary of his whole life, with the first part covering his childhood, college and pro football career, his role as an advertising spokesman. It ends with his romance with Nicole Brown. Most interesting to me, it places this history in the context of the times, especially the 60s and 70s.

I was surprised to learn that O.J.'s father was a drag queen. :open_mouth:

^^^ Spoiler alert!!! :wink: :smiley:

If you like Orange is the New Black, give Wentworth a try. I like it a lot!

I just started watching Happy Valley, and immediately realized that I had watched at least the first episode before. Itā€™s one of those shows that makes me writhe in discomfort/horror because of the situation someone gets themselves into. (I had the same reaction as a kid to Leave it to Beaver, which I found excruciating!)

This time I forced myself to persist, mostly because of the performance of the lead actress, and have gotten over the hump by no longer giving a damn about what happens to Kevin and his wife.

@Consolation, I had the same reaction to Happy Valley. Halfway through episode 2 I was so anxious I couldnā€™t enjoy watching it. Then I reminded myself Iā€™ve read enough mystery books to know how it ends. I was then able to relax and enjoy it. I concur the acting was exemplary.

@FlyMeToTheMoon That is me to a T! I often have to talk myself down When Iā€™m watching these things. :slight_smile:

Bingeing on Sherlock (BBC). Itā€™s funnyā€¦the first two seasons are only 3 eps each.

Yup, thereā€™s just not enough Sherlock. :((

I also liked BBC Sherlock very much except the last episode, abdominal bride or something. I still donā€™t understand what that was about.

Ray Donovan season 4 starts Sunday June 26.

^^^ ooh, thanks for the reminder!

Whole new season of Orange Is The New Black just released on Netflix.

Speaking of, just this minute got an email that Netflix is going up to $9.99.
Still worth it.

(Thatā€™s for streaming.)

We finished season 3 of Ray Donovan last nightā€“Iā€™m looking forward to the new season!

I saw ā€œDancing On the Edgeā€ when it aired on STARZ a couple of years ago. Itā€™s going to be on PBS apparently. Hopefully they didnā€™t botch the editing. GREAT cast.

Both of my kids have been recommending Mr. Robot for months and months, and I finally watched all of the first season on Amazon Prime (I think). Halfway through, I was pretty taken with it, despite being in a genre I generally dislike. (I hate stories about vast, secret conspiracies, either vast, secret conspiracies to run the world, or vast, secret conspiracies to oppose government. Mr. Robot has both.) The acting was good, the characters interesting, the style excellent, the plot decent and engaging. Christian Slater was sleazily charismatic as The Christian Slater Role, Heathers + 30. Then it ran off the rails. I couldnā€™t stand the last three episodes. As bad an abuse of the ā€œis it real or a dream?ā€ trope as when J.R. got shot (of did he?).

Just finished watching a movie on Netflix, The shawshank redemption. Excellent!

@Iglooo Have you never seen Shawshank before? Thatā€™s a classic!

Is anyone watching Feed the Beast on AMC? Itā€™s a new crime drama series with David Schwimmer and Jim Sturgessā€¦
Iā€™m still watching but not convinced that I will continue much longer.

@alwaysamom, Iā€™m recording it to binge-watch later (or not if I hear it was a bust!). :slight_smile:

Iā€™m doing that with several new(ish) shows that got good reviews (Thirteen, Greenleaf, Unreal, Roadies).

My younger son and I are now binge-watching Shonda Rhimesā€™s ā€œThe Catch.ā€ Itā€™s pretty charming and visually beautiful, but I donā€™t see how this ā€œthrillerā€ (a hilarious description if youā€™ve ever enjoyed an actual thriller) plotline can be sustained. Never could stomach any of Shondaā€™s previous hits, so maybe she has a way of keeping these things captivating, but itā€™s gone from farfetched to absurd in short order.

Love all the leads, however, which is probably what will get me to record the second season.