Binge watched tv shows

Has anyone watched The Magicians? Wondering if it’s worth a try.

Started watching the new season of Ginny and Georgia yesterday (since I have Covid) and I’m liking it. Funny thing is I finished up Sex Lives of College Girls season 2 yesterday. I watched season 1 a year ago when I had Covid the first time.


I watched The Magicians a couple of years back and enjoyed it. It took me a bit to figure it out, not having read the books, but as a fantasy fan it was a good choice.

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Ok thanks. I like fantasy.

TV trivia I didn’t know!
Emily (Collins) of Emily in Paris is the daughter of singer Phil Collins!


Thanks for the help! Very useful.

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what are you thinking about either show?
I liked Season 1 of Sex Lives of College Girls because it seemed very real wrt the kind of mistakes freshmen can make!
Read the first volume of Magicians because I thought it’d be a bit like Harry Potter and, spoiler: it’s not. :slight_smile: It’s very much for adults and rather dark.

I enjoyed Season 2 of Sex Lives of College Girls. I thought it held up to the first season. I loved Season 2 of Ginny and Georgia. I finished watching the season today. I thought this season was more serious than the first.

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So I’m rebinging Witcher and I’m partway through season 2. Geralt and Ciri are in a temple and suddenly Lady Danbury walks in. Boy, did that take me out of the moment…

LOL. I have that problem too! I loved Hugh Cavill and am sorry he’s not sticking with the show.

Anybody see this trailer for The Black Lotus, coming soon to HBO? It looks really good.


I thought the SNL sketch was funny last night, but having not watched White Lotus, I didn’t get the “inside baseball” bits.

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Thank you for this, watched seasons 1 and 2!

Thank you to everyone on this thread that suggested Derry Girls. I don’t know if I would have picked this show on my own, but I watched it because of the recommendations here. H and I finished the series last night and we really loved it.


Women at War miniseries Netflix 1914 France. Halfway through (4/8). Really liking it.


Yes, we’re enjoying it, too. I think I’m at the same point you are. Did you see Un Village Français? Similar but set during WWII. The red-headed actress is in both shows. It’s interesting to observe the similarities and differences between the series.


No, but I see some seasons are on amazon prime.

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I loved Un Village français. It’s so detailed and so real. Real events incorporated seamlessly into the story, excellent historicity, suspense and drama based on events&personal characteristics. I consider it a period drama masterpiece.

(Sorry about what follows)
Women at war however is a caricature. Every time I see the nurse walk about with her hair down (sth which signaled a prostitute) I am taken out of the story, and the further we go with the story the more implausible&a-historical it gets. And I’m okay with implausible when it somehow makes sense for the story and isn’t completely anachronistic - I liked Bonfire of Destiny :stuck_out_tongue: and loved Titanic.
I had such high hopes and am so disappointed. :disappointed_relieved:


Oh, that’s too bad. I guess I don’t know enough about the historical facts for it to bother me. I’m enjoying the story line. What is Bonfire of Destiny like?

In 1890s Paris, there was a big charity bazar that all the respectable ladies attended… until there was a devastating fire that had big ripples: many ladies were burnt alive or disfigured, impacting many prominent families; gentlemen were seen trampling ladies and girls, contrary to everything that’d been maintained about gentlemen protecting ladies etc and throwing that myth into question (especially since working class men didn’t behave like this - it was the first small chink against the idea of superiority that was assumed natural for white men of a certain class; )issues of fire safety came to the fore and architects/planners tried to figure out how to avoid a repeat of the tragedy, since it was quickly determined the fire spreading fast had been compounded by the fact there was only one exit.
In the series, the first episode includes the fire as it happened (more or less) in reality, and you know it’s coming (just like the Titanic sinking)… but you get to know three women first before they’re caught in the fire; each of their lives is changed by it. The other episodes show how they navigate their “new” lives. It’s quite gripping. :slight_smile: