Binge watched tv shows

“The newsreader”?
Australia, 1980s - provincial, sexist workplace, celebrity news anchor (whom you don’t know whether she’s got a mental illness left untreated because Australia, 80s, or if she’s acting normally based on all the crap she has to put up with), and a young pup cameraman turned ambitious reporter.


I concur

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I binge watched The Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2 just in time to enjoy season 3. Why is Grogu still with the Mandalorian?

I wondered too, and the problem was explained: “If, on the other hand, you also watched the spinoff series “The Book of Boba Fett,” you know that in its last few episodes, Din and Grogu reunited to help their pals on Tatooine take down a vicious criminal gang.” from

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You need to watch episodes 6&7 of The Book of Boba Fett to get Grogu’s story. He makes his decision to return there.

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Stars Anna Torv, who was also in Fringe, which I highly recommend to binge!

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Mythomania is one of my favorites.


I just watched the first episode of Daisy Jones and the Six on Amazon Prime and so far enjoyed it. I loved the book, which I read last year, so hope the mini series holds up. I will likely re-read the book, or perhaps do the audio version as someone on CC suggested.


So it’s just me that thought it was good EXCEPT for the Daisy Jones character? I find her just incredibly annoying.

Oh, I agree, I liked her as a kid but not as an adult. Also, I loved all the great oldies but that only made the show’s original songs pale in comparison. Hearing Carole King after Daisy? LOL.

Is her character less annoying in the book?

I don’t quite remember except more sympathetic based on upbringing.

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Tammy and George, stellar performances, didn’t know much about Tammy’s tragic life, and will never hear Stand By Your Man and not think of her life.

Interesting tidbit ( when Jessica Chastain, had to sing that song on set, she told your girls on set, not to listen to the words, she is so disturbed by Tammy’s life, multiple, abusive marriages, and the irony of that song and her life)


I previously mentioned binge watching HBO Max. Now that my 3 months at $2/month on HBO Max has run out, I’ve switched to 1 month free for Paramount+ and Showtime. The first series I completed is Dexter: New Blood.

The original 2006 Dexter is one of my favorite shows, so I was really interested in seeing the new 2021 series. I thought the series had a really captivating and interesting plot, with cliffhangers that make you want to binge another episode, much like the original series. Also like the original series, they are able to successfully make a serial killer that you are sympathetic for and want to succeed (excluding final episode). I thought including teenage Harrison as a new character worked well and added to the series, although it’s not a good trade with losing Debra (in her usual character), Masuka, and various others from the original series. I also liked switching from Miami to the new small town, upstate NY atmosphere. I grew up in upstate NY, less than1 hour away, so it feels more familiar.

Some of the coincidences were pushing things too far, such as (now captain) Angel Batista happens to be speaking at a conference >1000 miles away from Miami that the small down police chief dating Dexter (now known as Jim Lindsay) happens to attend, and Angel happens to bring up the events surrounding Dexter/Harrison while informally talking to the chief, … At some point it feels like sloppy writing. Some important events were skipped over, such as the how Dexter seemingly fully recovered from being shot between a single episode, with little time in between. I also wasn’t fond of Debra acting as a ghost/conscience/schizophrenia, just like I didn’t like Harry doing so in the later seasons original series.

Overall I would have put the bulk of the series on the level of mediocre season of the original Dexter – well below seasons 1, 2, and 4; which were my favorites; but much better than some of the later Dexter season. I phrase it like that because of the finale. The finale of the original Dexter was almost universally despised. The new series gave the writers a chance to rectify this and give a proper ending to the show that satisfied fans. They didn’t do this. If anything the finale of New Blood is worse than the original. Dexter has some actions during the finale that are not in character that has been established across many years of the original series and make him less sympathetic. Many of the original series final actions made little sense. New Blood differs in that they provide a logical basis for Both Harrison’s and Dexter’s actions at the end, with highlighting flaws in “the code” and related consequences, yet none of the characters from the original series have a satisfying conclusion. It’s almost as if the writers are trying to make the finale of the original Dexter to seem better by comparison, showing how bad it could have been, if they went in another direction. I still enjoyed the series, but the finale left a bad aftertaste.

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My husband and I had never binged or streamed a series before. We chose Schitt’s Creek because he thought the title was funny lol, and I had heard it was good.
We have absolutely loved this show. We only have about 3 episodes left.

What would you recommend for our next show? Something with great comedy, great characters, and great heart…


The Good Place. Absolutely delightful with wonderful characters, so many funny lines (and set deco) that you may need rewatching to catch them, and great twists each season that build on previous seasons. Wonderful all the way to the beautifully crafted end.


Thank you for the suggestion!
I watched the whole series of The Good Place when it was on network tv. I enjoyed it, but my husband was not into it at all…


I know it aired a while back, but personally anything that aired as my kids were growing up, I never had time to watch! - Parks and Rec


If you want another 1/2 hour comedy, I also liked Grace and Frankie. (Netflix) with Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. My husband didn’t like it or Schitt’s Creek… so they became my exercise shows. Currently I’m exercising to Gilmore Girls (Netflix), which is a much lighter comedy/drama than the shows we usually watch together in the evening. Oh - we did recently start capping of some nights with Arrested Development, a fast paced crazy family comedy (Netflix).


I watched the Derry Girls cast on the holiday British Baking Show episode from 2020 that was mentioned on this thread. I laughed and laughed. Their real personalities seem to mirror their characters. I wish the parents had been on too.