Binge watched tv shows

I watched both seasons but read the books in the series first (Firefly Lane and Fly Away).

I would equate the series to a easy watch, a little chick lit flick, a little family drama, a little emotional!


I would too, but I did enjoy it, liked season 2 better.

I read that part 2 of Season 2 (which will be the last) is scheduled to release April 27th. Perfect binge - will complete it after my vacation!

Iā€™ve read other books by Kristen Hannah - donā€™t think Iā€™ve read these two though.

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Thanks for this, I didnā€™t realize that season 2 was 2 parts until it ended.:rofl:

I binge watched it this week, coincidentally just before the last episodes will be released. It does try a little too hard to be This Is Us and itā€™s not as good, but I still enjoyed it.

Thanks to this thread, weā€™ve watched or are in the middle of watching the following:

Beef: Finished it. I liked it a lot, but I wouldnā€™t put it in my top favs. Wasnā€™t wowā€™d by the ending, but it was ok. I think H liked it better than me, since he asked to watch episodes in the middle of the day (which never happens!) The last scene of each episode always made you go ā€œSay what?!ā€ and want to watch the next one.

Mr. Robot: We are almost done with season 2. We both like this one a lot, but it is a bit confusing for us at times. I like the episodes where Elliot is on top of his game the best, instead of a mess.

From: I think we have 3-4 episodes left of season 1 and want to crank them out (which for us usually means 1/day lol) before season 2 starts on Sunday. We LOVE this one. Very Stephen King like. Good, intriguing story.


Thereā€™s a Mr. Robot episode in Season 2, maybe episode 4, 5 or 6, where Elliot is in a sitcom driving with his family and I just couldnā€™t get through that episode and stopped. I hate(d) that episode and I havenā€™t finished it yet. Itā€™s been a month or two now.

We finished Beef a few days ago and my view of it was similar to yours. It was good, but dark and not an all time favorite. I did think the female lead (Amy Chu) was great. I read that she is a stand-up comedian!! So this was quite a different role for her.

My husband liked Mr Robot more than I did. But even he agreed to give it up around the end of 2nd season.

We didnā€™t like that one either. But it went out of sitcom mode at the end, and you learn why it was that way. And thereā€™s another weird twist a few episodes later. I like it much better when heā€™s hacking people.

I donā€™t think this is a common opinion. The sitcom and season 2 Ep 4-5 period is the highest rated portion of season 2 on IMDB, with average ratings of 9 or higher among viewers. The majority of IMDB members gave the episode a perfect 10. Hardly anyone gave it a low rating. The most voted review about the sitcom episode states the following. I didnā€™t think it was the best episode in the history of television, but I thought it was a quality episode that was very clever, with a lot of nostalgia and references to classic late 80s/early 90s TV (TGIF, ALF, ā€¦).

I mean wow. This must have been the best thing Iā€™ve seen in television in my entire life. I gave 10 stars to four movies in IMDB and now this. I canā€™t even believe this a tv show, it has so much quality, so many great movie references, the writing, the cinematography, the dialogues, the camera work, the originality, it is insanely good. Sam Esmail is a genious and I am truly happy I discovered Mr. Robot in 2019. Even if the rest of the series doesnā€™t cope, it was worth just getting to this episode, this amazing opening and everything else. I am in an awe of talent from this team. Sweet cinematic dreams are made of this!

We didnā€™t like it, but then again I HATED Wanda Vision. H didnā€™t care for it much either, but I hated it more. I know thatā€™s not a popular opinion too.

And for some reason H and I flip flopped on the Mr Robot Episode. I didnā€™t care for it but was ok. Meanwhile H blurted out in the middle ā€œthis sucks!ā€

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:man_shrugging: I donā€™t know what to say other than we all like ā€œdifferent flavors.ā€ I tried it because you recommended it.

@ClassicMom98 I also like it when Elliot is ā€œall there,ā€ but thatā€™s a relative term for him.

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Not sure if Iā€™d hate Wanda Vision. Talked my husband into watching it one afternoon and then fell asleep a few minutes into it.

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I binged The Diplomat on Netflix over the weekend. Enjoyed it very much, except for the cliffhanger and seeing online that IF renewed the earliest season 2 will be a little over a year. I am someone who likes the iā€™s dotted and the tā€™s crossed, so I should probably move forward in the world of tv trying to avoid uncertainty. I picked it because a friend on FB compared it to The West Wing and I didnā€™t do the deep dive to see if there was a cliffhanger. Visually stunning, btw.

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I watched the first episode of Diplomat last night. I like it. I keep thinking of Keri Russell in The Americans, though! I also noted how hard they must have to work to make her hair look not great. :sweat_smile:

I will be interested to see what they do about her husband. Heā€™s an odd duck.

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I really liked The Americans. The Diplomat was just okay in my opinion. While I enjoyed the political machinations of the plot, I too often had trouble suspending disbelief with the main characters/actors.


We watched one or 2 episodes of the Diplomat. I thought it was just OK, husband thought less than that. I may watch more when heā€™s not around.

Thereā€™s another show called The Diplomat! Light show (consul solves problems British citizens encounter or get themselves into) in sunny Barcelona.


I like to watch documentaries every so often. I started Chimp Empire on Netflix and I thought it was just fascinating. Not only do you learn a great deal about them, but thereā€™s a story that goes along with it. 4 episodes. Worth watching.

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