Binge watched tv shows

to me, the first few seasons of succession really blended together. betrayal, stabbing, family, business, repeat. Watching season 4 now; and actually enjoying it. I listen to podcasts that bring out parts of it i hadnt thought of. i think i like the podcasts as much or more so than the show.

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Always prefer to watch shows/movies in the original language. Dubbing just doesn’t seem to convey the same emotion and often the translation is off. Have to admit I watch English language shows with sub titles these days because sometimes they speak too fast or too garbled (or maybe it is my hearing!).


Just found The Mary Tyler Moore show on Prime.

I could watch this every day for the rest of my life. I find it just as funny today as I did in the 1970s.


The Chuckles the Clown episode is comedy gold


my husband caught the reference to chuckles in succession recently; the podcasters didnt catch it!


Just finished Firefly Lane. It’s been years since I’ve cried at a show. So good! They both deserve Emmys


It seemed to have gone over many people’s heads on Reddit as well.

Kids these days just don’t know how great the 70’s sitcoms were. Bob Newhart is also a gem.


MTM without commercials? May need to check that out….

I watched the first two episodes of The Citadel. So far not impressed. The plot line has some similarities with the Jason Bourne series of films, but even more unbelievable.

Stanley Tucci is one of the stars and I keep thinking he’ll begin speaking about an Italian province and their local food. :grimacing:

Saturday night: All in the Family, Mash, MTM, Bob Newhart, Carol Burnett.

I was too busy during the 90’s to watch much TV, and never saw Friends, but I’m into the third season on HBO Max (soon to be HBO) and still LOL-ing.


But speaking of binging series, his Searching For Italy (2 seasons) is an excellent watch! :yum:


I love the podcasts! The hbo one of course and the vanity fair are the two I’ve been following.

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I’ve been watching it on Hulu - I’m up to season 5 - reading about the show I learned they were the first to tackle many issues openly like sexuality for a single woman, racism and more. Love the show!

H and I started The Diplomat this week and we are enjoying it. I think we have 3 episodes remaining which we will try to finish before H leaves this weekend for a business trip to Amsterdam.


Not binge watching since I’m watching each episode shortly after it’s released each week, but I’m currently watching the new episodes of:
Ted Lasso, Succession, Barry, Somebody Somewhere, Marvelous Mrs. Maisal and Call the Midwife. I’ve watched the first two episodes of the Diplomat and will continue as I have time for it. Catching up on those new episodes takes most of my tv watching time each week. And the Bridgerton prequel starts today, I think.


I watch most of those (finished CTM on some channel this winter) and happy to watch the new bridgerton, I needed another show H has no interest in.

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For fans of Bridgerton, the spin-off Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story dropped today on Netflix


I watched the first episode and enjoyed it!


I’m 3 episodes in, and I’m enjoying as well

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