Binge watched tv shows

Watching the Diplomat, I get nostalgic for 24 with all of its twists and turns.

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Weā€™re watching the new season of Barry. Itā€™s dark!


Donā€™t waste your time on ā€œInside Man.ā€ Good actors but ridiculous plot.

The plot was ridiculous but I really enjoyed Stanley Tucciā€™s character and the other inmate.


My husband and I thought it was good. Yes, plot was ridiculousā€¦ but that is the case for many shows we watch. Having said that, as we chat about it today neither of us remembers all the details or outcome.

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Iā€™ve only watched one episode, so maybe I will try another one.

I got my tickets to go to the finale of Mrs. Maisal next week. Iā€™m excited.

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What does this mean? A showing of the final episode in a big venue??

Yes, they are showing it in some movie theaters on Thursday night (and one of those theaters is only a few miles from me)


Just finished it. I still wouldnā€™t recommend it. It had potential but it wasnā€™t executed well (oops, I really didnā€™t intend the pun).


DH and I just watched the latest Ted Lasso episode and Iā€™m starting to get that super conflicted in the pit of my stomach feeling when Iā€™m really looking forward to the finale, yet really dreading it as well. Itā€™s such a superb show and Iā€™ll miss it terribly when it ends.

FYI, the series finale drops on May 31st.


I was just talking to a friend about savoring this show! We are both so invested in these characters itā€™s ridiculous.


Did the finale already air? I thought we had watched all there was or would be, but hopefully Iā€™m incorrect?

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In 2 weeks

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Tomorrow episode 8 drops and then the finale next Friday - unless you go to the movie theater screening on Thursday.

Edit : It dropped early, so episode 8 is out. (did that lst week too)


I realized that is roughly my week for watching penultimate shows - Succession, Ted Lasso, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Barryā€¦


We have been watching the first seasonof The Last Ship, and it is so awful we canā€™t stop :joy:

Me tooā€“Iā€™ve got the same TV watching schedules for next weekā€“watching all of those you listed.

Anyone know when the second half of Yellowstone Season 5 is being released?


Finished up bad sisters last night, that was a good show!