Binge watched tv shows

We watched Citadel (Prime, 6 episodes) spread over the past 3 nights. We both liked it. Lots of twists and turns, more guns/killing than I like though.

Anyone watch the finale of Succession? I didn’t watch yesterday–my husband and son-in-law had to watch the Celtics. I will watch tonight. I’ve stayed away from reviews; a friend posted his personal review on FB and it seems from his comments that there’s a fitting end. Succession is one of those shows where I don’t like any of the main characters (not even a little bit), but for some reason I keep watching. I think Kieran Culkin is an excellent actor!!


Whitehouse Plumbers- (HBO) Max limited series. Great acting and more realistic than I realized.


I was very satisfied with the ending!

I watched it but won’t spoil it for you. It was a fitting ending with highs and lows. After you watch it, google about the last scene they actually filmed. Yes, disliked all the characters but the actors who inhabited them did a phenomenal job.


Watched it and thought it was very much in character with the rest of the series; a strong fitting ending. I liked the finale of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel about the same, and Barry less, although it was also fitting. All that’s left is the finale of Ted Lasso which I will watch when I get back from nephew’s wedding. I may or may not wait for husband to get back (he’s staying on the east coast an extra week for his college 50th reunion).

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I’ve googled and can’t zero in on that. Hint?

Succession. Yeah, wow. Since I didn’t have a favorite Roy, I am neither pleased or not pleased with the ending. Good ending though, all in all.

I was disappointed in the Barry finale. Yeah, I got it, but just not that interesting.

Mid-June, Outlander season 7 starts on Starz. Waiting for a free week of Starz after all the episodes have dropped.

Wondering if there will be a second season of Becoming Elizabeth. At the end of season one, Henry VIII has died, her brother Edward VI is ill but not dead, and Bloody Mary has yet to ascend to the throne. Lots of material for another season.

Wonder no more - no, sadly

hint: where cheese is mentioned

I don’t think it’s a spoiler by calling it the scene in Caroline’s kitchen

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I gotta say, I can’t remember the last final episode of a series that was as good as Ted Lasso’s.

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Yes cheese in the kitchen. Look for the video where the others cut off Jeremy Strong’s hair after filming. I feel that a lot of that kitchen scene was the actors interacting during their last scene together as much as the characters.


Anyone seen Obsession on Netflix? That’s one heavy show. Not sure how to feel after watching it. Knots in my stomach and overall so so sad.

Watched the finale of Maisel last night. Thought it was good, wrapped things up pretty well, though I wouldn’t say life-changing. We pretty much knew where we were going because of all the time jumps during the season. Not overwhelming or underwhelming, but overall good.


Based on your comment, I went ahead and watched this afternoon (had planned to watch after dinner). I loved it - laughed, cried & took the crying up a notch to blubbering twice. Have watched all of the episodes twice at this point with the exception of the strange Coach Beard episode from season 2. I will watch this one again, but am not up to it tonight.


I watched all of them twice - except for the Beard After Hours episode, too!

Doing a rewatch over the winter sure made it easy to catch all the callbacks the writers threw in there every few seconds in the finale. After all the Wizard of Oz references throughout the season (and so many in the penultimate episode), there were dozens of other references to other films and shows, too (e.g. Mae straightening the Geronimo portrait, or wordplay like “Wicked!” “Kinky Boots!”).

I had mixed feelings about the finale - I felt like the first third of the episode was oddly stilted, as if they were trying to shoehorn in so many fan service elements that it didn’t quite work for the actors. But then
oh, it got going and I was in tears several times, too. (And gezelling!) :slight_smile:


I’m still making my way through Season 3 of Ted Lasso. I believe I’m on Episode 10.

But I do want to go on record as having enjoyed the Coach Beard After Hours episode. The club scene is awesome and the choice of music perfect.