Binge watched tv shows

What we know about Beard from the Beard After Hours episode is a lot better than all we learned about him from the Finale opening scene in the kitchen :joy:. I was happy with how it all ended. I like it when a show recognizes its fans by working in callbacks and teases ideas endlessly debated on discussion boards (I usually glance at Reddit forums for my favorite shows). I teared up at the end but also after I watched the Extra feature called Richmond Till We Die. Seeing the actors talk about the show ending and what it meant to them made me teary. Who doesnā€™t want a work experience like that.


My favorite part was old Midge and old Susie. I thought it was realistic how they aged them. Sometimes it just looks ridiculous.


Agree about the Barry finale.

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Thanks, restarted my Apple TV account to watch Ted Lasso.

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Me too.:heart:

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Brendan Hunt is doing an AMA on Reddit right nowā€¦


Brett Goldsteins - insta post


I signed up for HBO and binged Somebody Somewhere yesterdayā€“all of Season 2. So, so good!


Anyone watch Fubar yet? Is it any good? Reviews seem mixed.

IMO, no, and Iā€™ve been a big Arnold fan over the years. But, Iā€™ve only seen the 1st episode plus a little of the 2nd.

And we finished Ted Lasso. Iā€™m kinda left wanting or unfulfilled. I am sad that itā€™s gone though.


It was terrible. Only could watch part of the first episode and turned it off

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We are watching FUBAR- I think you have to take it not seriously- So many things donā€™t make sense. It does grown you.


Thanks for the feedback! Will look around for something else. Need a new show but maybe not that.

Might need to pick up an Apple TV subscription and binge Ted Lasso!

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I am thinking of doing the same.

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Methinks you wonā€™t be sorry. (though I suppose it can be hard to watch a show after thereā€™s been a lot o hype, possible let down).


Cheers, Ted. I miss you already.


Iā€™ve done that with other shows and been totally happy with them (Schitts Creek, for exampleā€“I was behind the crowd for, and have since watched it twice!)


I continue to try to watch FUBAR, but geez, the acting isnā€™t very good and itā€™s a bit campy. And story line, even more implausible than most shows.

Oddly, I think they picked that ending because thereā€™s always a possibility for more (like a Christmas episode etc.) - at least, to me, it didnā€™t feel like all stories were totally closed. So I ā€œreadā€ the ending as an either/or - depending on various factors, it could be a good ending but it could still return. :innocent:

Well, got my Apple TV subscription! Two episodes into Ted Lasso. Iā€™m hooked!