Binge watched tv shows

That first season was AMAZING!

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Of all things, we are finally finishing “Doc Martin”.


Finished Jewish Matchmaker on Netflix. Surprising insightful. Actually liked it better than the Indian Matchmaker. What I learned is that if someone has a particular thing they are looking for-for example- tall, or not bald, or blue eyes, etc. and the perfect person is presented to them except not the 'thing ', they cannot give that person a chance. But, if that date has what ever they demand and is so- so otherwise, that date is perfect for them. We really can get stuck on one feature.


I think it is part of her character. (And it was the 80s - LOL)

And her hair is far from perfect in the Diplomat!


The Today show had a story this morning about Apple teasing a Ted Lasso spinoff - with a picture of Nate, Beard and Roy. All I could think of was I hope it doesn’t go the way of AfterMash. Sometimes it’s best to let a beloved sitcom end.


Compared to Joey, AfterMASH was akin to Masterpiece.

Hopefully, any spinoff will be more like Frasier. But yeah, I’m a little worried.


Well they all joined the writers strike so it might be awhile.


Without the writers strike, we’d still be looking at 2 years.

I thought they kind of teased the “KBPR” with Keeley and Barbara in the final episode, among other various teases.

Or maybe they’ll have a show called “Wanker” (not sure that word is allowed here, so I apologize if not)? :slight_smile:

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has anyone checked out Shiny Happy People yet? Docuseries about the Duggar family. Eww
just ewww.
This kind of home schooling the world can do without. Just scary. Strengthens my belief that these mega churches need to be taxed.


Very disturbing, worse than I imagined.

I agree they teased a lot of different little story “roots” that are easy to develop. It’ll be a while before we know if they do and even longer before they shoot and we see the result

Am I the only one who “binges” old shows I never watched???

I recently finished Brothers and Sisters - recommended to me after watching Parenthood. Apparently I watched little to no tv during that time of life!! :slight_smile: Parenthood was definitely a better watch but once in I had to finish B & S. But boy, I swear there was a crisis every show and poor Nora Walker (Sally Field) FINALLY gets to stop making another family dinner! LOL.

In the end I have to say my fav character(s) were Justin (I hope he ended up happy and with someone) and Scotty and Kevin. Sarah’s French husband was a gem but she put her foot in her mouth more times than her toes could count - I found her to not be super likeable!

Anyway, onto some newer things. I have a long list of more “recent” shorter series to catch up on!

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Nope. Parenthood and The West Wing are the most recent examples of off-the-air shows that I binged in its entirety. The Marvelous Mrs Maisel I binged older seasons right before the final season.


Literally just finished it. Maddening, and a little scary. I paid zero attention to the family, so I didn’t really know what a cult they belong to, and how huge it is. And the damages it does.

Hope all the publicity helps shut down this garbage.

Wow, I watched and where to begin?? SO upsetting! The video of that creep spanking that little boy on stage? Seriously, what is wrong with those people? Terrifying.


I want to point out that this isn’t about home schooling or just the Dugger family. This is about Bill Gothard and his cult. The Duggers are front and center because they were on a hit TV and got sucked in. Not only sucked into the cult but sucked in by being in a hit TV show that required much of them. Being in the cult created a whole new membership into the cult.
This is right up there with Scientology and Church of Christ (only specific sects–they keep changing their name), some yogi sects that control their members.

It’s worth learning to recognize how cults are created. From an outsider viewpoint it looks easy to avoid but there is a good deal of long slow indoctrination that contributes. Worth watching just for that aspect.

I think it’s the Boston Church of Christ, specifically. They almost sucked my mentally ill son in. It was scary.

I was raised in a Church of Christ. It was fundamentalist and not good, but it wasn’t the BCoC.

But I give Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar no free passes. None.

They may have got sucked in but they went back for more and more helpings - like what, 19 times??? (I can’t remember the exact #!)


They’ve been all over. I was warned about them as a freshman at college by a random student who I passed on the street 45 years ago. I probably looked lost looking at my campus map. They just stopped , pointed me in the right direction and said “if you ever get invited to a “circle talk” say NO. Stay away.”

Sure enough the next day I got invited. Billed as a gathering of new students in the dorm to get to know one another. Many went but I hesitated and did not since I’d been warned (although I didn’t really know why).

It’s the beginning of “love bombing” (a term I learned much later). The meetings continued (no mention of church or any requirements). After about 4 meetings the requirement was to bring someone with you or you couldn’t attend. In hindsight this was shunning and was devestating to some on my dorm hall. They thought they’d made friends and then were shut out of their friend group (the ones who hadn’t joined rallied around but it was confusing to us why this mattered so much).

Many then joined the church. There were students who failed out of school. The church required they study the bible 24/7 and take tests–tests more important apparently than their actual midterms and finals. Bible study nights (Wednesdays) were required. Didn’t matter what your college classes required. Lots of rules. You can only wear certain clothing. You can only date someone in the church. It’s a long, slow process of indoctrination.

I met someone later on who said they finally quit when they were supposed to marry someone who they had only dated a total of three times. Then they woke up. Honestly couldn’t believe they had gotten that far. Said they didn’t believe in the rules at all but somehow had gotten sucked in. It was only the final realization that they were supposed to marry this person and the consequences that they got out.

The “church” is still there. I’ve no idea if it’s the same iteration of what was around long ago. I do know the Church of Christ, Church of God has many denomininations and sects–some are legetimate and others keep changing the name to escape detection.

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