Binge watched tv shows

I just finished Ted Lasso :pleading_face:. Perfection IMO. I will miss so many characters! Without spoiling, I’d say I loved Jamie’s emotional journey and growth the most. Although Rebecca’s was up there!
Not the finale, but the episode with Ted’s mom and their conversation in the kitchen at the end? I was a mess.
This show just made me happy.


I had to re-watch Beard’s and Nathan’s conversation at the apartment 2-3 times over, because to me, the subject matter put the Beard After Hours episode in proper perspective.


We caught up and finished Ted Lasso in time for the finale. We thoroughly enjoyed it. Loved the finale.

We watched the first season of That 90s Show and liked it a lot. The last few episodes were not quite as good, but we still enjoyed it.

I watched all of the Shiny Happy People documentary. I had watched the Duggar show and also the later Counting On show. I knew about their story, but had no idea how widespread the whole thing was in that church.

We started watching Platonic since my husband is a Seth Rogan fan. It’s okay, but not nearly as funny as we were hoping.

Walked extra long on the treadmill yesterday to finish my most recent treadmill watch only show - The Diplomat. Looking forward to season 2 whenever it gets finished. Hope certain characters survive.

Started White House Plumbers today as my next treadmill show. So far it looks like it will be a good one.


I loved it!! Got a bit predictable at times, but still very good!

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I listend to the actor who stars in Jury Duty on Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me (NPR)l today. I liked the guy (I’ve forgotten his name). Has anyone watched Jury Duty? What do you think?

We thought Jury Duty was a fun watch and easy to watch 1 or 2 epoisodes and then pick back up again - not hard to follow :slight_smile:

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For those that love real estate, the 3rd season of The Parisian Agency is out and at least the first couple episodes do not disappoint!

(In other real estate “bingeing” since I’ve watched the first 5 seasons, I watched the 6th of Selling Sunset - IMO a real low for the series! - I think nearly the entire season centered around a couple of drama situations that just got rehashed over and over! At least there is usually SEVERAL drama situations! :yawning_face:)


Never Have I Ever on Netflix. Season 4 is the applying to college year. So realistic :roll_eyes:. Not.


But fun, imho!


Outlander! :heart:


I loved the first episode of Black Mirror. Check those Netflix Terms and Conditions you agreed to! :sweat_smile: (and maybe CC’s, too…)


My daughter’s boyfriend just reminded me of the drop, have to catch up on From first.


Oh no! How so?

Finished The Diplomat in a few nights - one of the few hub and I could both enjoy. Really liked the human aspect of government work (flaws and all) plus the ‘woman working to be taken seriously’ as well as the complex marital dyamic. Multi-layered and interesting!


A couple shows into Ted Lasso Season 3 and already sad it’s going to end. We’ll be away from tv next week and we only do a couple a night, so will be a little longer till we finish. Loving the way so many of the characters have been deepened in Season 2 and now even more so in 3.

I’m only supposed to be paying for enough Apple TV to watch this, but part of me wants to hang onto it longer to watch it again!


The one on one relationship with the admission counselor for one - frequent calls to the personal phone, as well as the idea that ivies limit to one student from a high school but if one declines then another is offered, the public high school in CA college prep kids flying to NY for a couple of days to visit east coast schools, and someone having no extracurricular but volunteering as manager of swim team for senior year to become attractive to ivies. Of course what public high school hires a recent hs grad to return as a full time assistant swim coach? But, all of it advanced the plot and I have to admit I have followed the show through the 4 seasons as a fun watch. Like an Emily in Paris of high school.

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We’re enjoying season 7 of “Outlander.”

Just finished binging season 2 of The Bear on Hulu. It was really excellent but I didn’t like the finale. I wanted a happier ending, but I guess they left it like that so they can make a season 3.

I am too! They seem to be staying closer to the stories in the books so far this season. I’m optimistic. I’ve been disappointed with past seasons as they took too many liberties with some of the plot lines in my opinion.