Binge watched tv shows

I read only the first book of the series, so I don’t know when they stray!


I just finished binging Season 1 of The Bear. When I first heard about it, it seemed too chaotic for me to watch–I use streaming as relaxation to let my clients’ problems and agency BS go when I’m not working. But after reading about Season 2, I started it and really enjoyed it. I have so much documentation to do for work (many days of procrastination to watch the season!) that Season 2 will have to wait for my days off starting next Saturday.


I think I’ve watched more TV in the last month than in decades before that. (Although we did binge a little during COVID). We finished Ted Lasso and The Morning Show (until new season comes out).

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Jury Duty - this was a fun, cute surprise. Older S clued us in. I loved how it ended.

Mr. Robot. We finished this a couple of weeks ago. I definitely liked seasons 3 & 4 better than 2, though the final few episodes were also out there. It is strange. Overall, the show was meh to me, but yet I really loved the characters.

From - I love this show. I just think it’s a cool story. Two seasons in and I can’t even guess what’s really going on. It’s fun to talk about and guess.

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Any fans of Endeavor out there? We thought the series finale last night was excellent. Very well done. Some tie-ins to both Inspector Morse and Inspector Lewis. Had to go online and read about the meaning of the ending. Will not spoil by saying more.


Back in the dark ages (aka…public colleges were relatively cheap) I paid for college by waiting tables at some pretty nice restaurants. I found the Bear to be amazingly realistic which is why I think it is anxiety inducing for so many of us. It is definitely a binge that I can’t actually binge.


Just finished season 2 episode 10 of From, I just read that season 3 should be released in 2024, such a good show.


We started Based on a True Story last night since H paid for Peacock since he watches the Tour de France. Based on a True Story is a silly premise, but we are enjoying it so far.

We have been watching it. Not a big fan. After several episodes, it just seems to be going nowhere.

First post, not sure if this one has been mentioned.

Finished High School on Freevee Amazon. It’s based on the autobiographical book written the band Tegan and Sara. They’re twins and part of the LGBTQ community.

Just my personal opinion, the show was way more powerful than I expected. My youngest is part of that community so the pain Tegan and Sara and their friends felt really hit me hard. The young actors were spot on.

It helps that the director and show runner are also part of the LGBTQ community and can weave the story together in a respectful but true way.

Anyway, no more dramas for me. Sheesh.


I’ve watched season 2 of The Bear through the Christmas episode with Jamie Lee Curtis. Was cooking today and my recent college graduate son asked if I needed any help and I said no, just keep out of the kitchen so I can move around (we have a small kitchen). Then I started laughing and told him about that episode because it’s totally me to repeatedly tell everyone to get out of the kitchen while I’m cooking and then also complain that no one helps me.


I’m a huge fan of Endeavour! I loved the series finale–it was the perfect ending for the show. I streamed it on the PBS website yesterday and then also watched a special about the last season that included interviews with some of the actors and talked about how they tried to tie it together to the previous Inspector Morse and Inspector Lewis shows. I haven’t watched either of those, but now I’m curious, although I will definitely miss watching Shaun Evans.

So we started with Endeavor. Which series next?

Do them in chronological order - Endeavour, then Morse, then Lewis.

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Seasons 7, 8 & 9 have been “meh” from my perspective. Wasn’t a fan of how they wrapped up Endeavour to cover the fact that the Thursdays are never mentioned in Morse.

I watched the “wrap up” show - biggest surprise was Shaun Evans’ everyday Liverpool accent versus his Morse accent.

We watched and enjoyed Endeavor and Inspector Lewis. Tried watching the first episode of Inspector Morse and couldn’t stand how grumpy and negative he was. May give it another shot, given the backstory that has been created via Endeavor.

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Just finished Ted Lasso. Sniff, sniff. Loved every second of it. Miss it already.


We have one more Ted Lasso episode to go. We usually watch on Saturday night so will probably finish it this weekend.


Season 2 of The Lincoln Lawyer ( Netflix) is being presented in two parts. Part one, consisting of 5 episodes, just dropped.


I’ve watched Endeavor since if first aired, and have generally enjoyed the series. The best part about the series has always been the characters. Shaun Evans is excellent as Morse, as are Sean Rigby (DS Strange), Anton Lesser (Superintendent Bright), and James Bradshaw (Dr. DeBryn, who steals every scene that he is in). Best of all is Roger Allman (DI Thursday). The weakest part of show are the byzantine plots (although I found them easier to follow in the final season) and absurd coincidences that require some major suspensions of disbelief.