Binge watched tv shows

Funny, I love her being disheveled! It’s kind of a turn around from all the perfectly turned out TV women in business/law who seem to float effortlessly on their designer heels and perfect dresses while (presumably) working hard navigating deals/trials/etc. (e.g., the head partner in Suits).

I also think Keri Russell is very pretty (I think started as a model?) - they just didn’t lean in to a glam look for her.

Personally - wearing the black suit all the time (for seriousness and cleanliness) was something I could really relate to LOL


As an executive myself- I am all about black suits. I guess I was especially referring to her hair.


Gotcha. Seems like disheveled hair is more in these days (‘beach waves’ look messy to me, lol). It def was a little on the less polished side!

Haha- I live right near the beach, and I personally wouldn’t even go to the grocery store with that hair😂

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I’m all for the natural look, but it was little distracting- especially since she was wearing a suit.


Watching Night Agent on Netflix. So far very gripping - I suspect we will be done with the 10 episodes by the end of the week.


Just started the newest (and last) season of Happy Valley. The way episode 1 went, it’s gonna be quite action packed.

Throwing out Bad Sisters on Apple TV - thriller, dark comedy, great writing, set in Ireland and rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. I was reminded about it after the Emmy nominations came out - it is so good and now my husband and college daughter are hooked, as I watched several months ago after seeing it recommended on CC. Season 2 in the works.


New Justified started this week—Justified:City Primeval on FX. This mini-series is set in Detroit.

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LOVED Bad Sisters. Incredible writing and acting. So happy to hear that there will be a Season 2!


We have watched “White House Plumbers” and it’s wild taking a look back at all that happened.


I’m probably the last one on this thread (or in this country) to finally watch/finish the last season of Maisel. Such a good series. I felt the last season was different than the others - and a little hard to follow at times with the flash backs/flash forwards.

I did really love the (near) ending. I won’t spoil anything in case there is someone as slow as me. But it would be a good series to rewatch in a couple years.


We are only part way through the last season on Ms Maisel. We’ve backtracked to rewatch earlier seasons. I’m itching to watch more of the new season though.


I really loved this show.

Sweet Magnolia’s 3rd Season just started.

Lol I needed something light to watch and watched some last night. Didn’t know it just released! i am not a Hallmark movie watcher at all but this reminds me just a bit of one with a little more interesting characters and a continuing storyline. So much little town drama! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it definitely wasn’t supposed to be a “look.” beach or otherwise. She just didn’t give a fig about how she looked, including keeping hair in check. I LOVED that about her!

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As someone who hates dealing with hair. (I’ve had it very short, but I hate going to hairdressers) or quite long (and it lives in a ponytail) I really liked that about her. I also almost never wear a dress anymore not even slinky red ones with trains! I’m all about looking professional enough.


I think it was commentary - everyone around her was concerned with how she looked and dressed and she wanted to do the job she was hired to do.


Exactly, one_two! That’s how I interpreted it. Everyone (including her assistant) was trying to fit her into this socially-acceptable, pretty, feminine mold and she was focused (instead) on doing her job.

That being said - I spend an undue time thinking about my hair (conditioning it, highlighting, blah blah). Maybe that’s why the “disheveled but just doing her work” look appealed to me so much! (freedom to focus! lol)