Binge watched tv shows

Thank you!

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I will say that “The Morning Show” is not what I expected! Wow. So intense.


Glad to see the Taskmaster on the NPR list that @garland posted.

Our D convinced us to watch this show on Youtube when it first came on. We have enjoyed it since. I prefers the first few years as those comedians were very cunning and creative.

If you are a fan of Taskmaster, try the Taskmaster - New Zealand. They are as good and as funny. Those kiwi comedians are something.

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I remember back in the day seeing the Back to the Future movies as they were released, years apart. When my son was a teenager, we sat down and watched the 3 of them on consecutive days. I was amazed at how many connections there were between the 3 films that I did not realize due to the long interval between movie release dates.

So we are binge watchers.


Are you in the UK?

I wanted to like that series. I like Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston. I liked the premise of the story too being based on a true story. What I couldn’t deal with is the vulgarity. I’m not a prude but I just felt it was extremely excessive. I quit after starting the second episode.

Yes, I’m getting really tired of the F word in TV series. Every other word, almost literally. Ugh.

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Which season are you watching?

Agree. I personally never use profanity. I was brought up in a family where it wasn’t condoned.

That said I’m not bothered by the occasional use of an expletive
emphasis on occasional. In fact I thoroughly enjoyed Roy Kent’s (Ted Lasso) delivery of his favorite one. Just thinking about it makes me smile and chuckle to myself.


That is about the only show I kept watching in spite of it. It was just part of Roy Kents persona and I simply accepted it as funny.


Season 2.

Although I don’t like the profanity, I can overlook it. I think it’s a really important show. I personally think that everyone should watch the last episode of the first season. I’m going to make my husband watch it.

Occasional doesn’t bother me. But in “The Morning Show,” it’s just about in every sentence. And sometimes it’s literally, “F F F F!!! Fing S!” That kind of thing. But I’ll put up with it in this case.

I often put up with it if the plot line or characters are interesting enough to me. However profanity can temper my enjoyment of a show/movie/book. In some instances it can tip the scale to the “do not continue to watch/read” list.

DH and I will probably start the new season of The Morning Show eventually. We watched earlier seasons and found them good, but not great. (It reminds me a bit of The Newsroom with Jeff Daniels.) We also tend to wait until most or all episodes are available.

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I started a habit of using that word after Ted Lasso, but I quickly corrected myself.

I tune out a lot of comedy specials due to profanity. One can be funny without every third word being a curse.


I wince when I hear bad language.
It made Deadloch really hard to watch at first for me. It helped to know one of the 2 bad words used every other sentence by a character is not as bad in Australian English as it is in US English (more like a strong “jerk”) and that it is part of one character’s personality (who has a good reason for wanting to be elsewhere and curses out the whole town for it, then gets creative with insults so that it becomes funny), in contrast to the no-nonsense, buttoned-up, pastry-smitten other character whose worst curse is “bum” (akin to “shoot”). I rewatched and knowing how language was used made it less distracting and actually an integral part of the show. But the 1st episode was HARD!

Too much foul language and/or lengthy bedroom scenes is definitely a bothersome trend. I’m sure it bothers me more than my husband.


Huh. Bad language doesn’t bother me at all. Just words. I’d much rather hear cussing than see some really gory stuff. I don’t really even notice the words, but the images stay with you.


Yeah profanity doesn’t in itself bother me. I don’t like it if it’s gendered (not a fan of the c-word though I know in the UK it’s ubiquitous), but the F-word is standard operating procedure in Garland-world–so useful in so many ways!

I can’t watch anything with gore or even more so, terror/suffering. I’d rather here a thousand f-words than someone suffering in terror/agony.

Not a huge fan of lengthy bedroom scenes (usually kind of boring, frankly), but not a problem for me.


Gore, terror, (prolonged*) suffering are off limits for me. I’ve been putting off Stranger things 4 bc I worry it’ll be too gory since the theme seems to be 80s horror :grimacing::woozy_face:
(*some suffering necessarily happens
 even in a comedy like Sex Education which just dropped!)

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