Binge watched tv shows

Cussing doesn’t bother me either. Gore isn’t too bad unless it’s torture. I can’t stand constant shouting. I saw two episodes of The Bear and that was it for me.


If it helps, I got through all of Stranger Things okay. There were a couple tough moments, but overall, not as bad as 80s horror at all.

(My S knows my limitations, and vets shows for me).

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Thank you very much :heart::heart:

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Stranger Things was too much for me. I watched most of the first season I think. Loved the idea of it, but too horror-y. I can’t do horror. Also can’t do the Walking Dead. Toooooo grooooossssssss.

I’m okay with implied violence or gore like in a murder mystery, but the lingering dripping gore is just too much. If I can avert my gaze or close my eyes for 2 seconds it’s fine, but if it’s going to be 10 minutes of oozing blood and guts then that one gets the axe (ha) from me.

The c-word doesn’t bother me because I watch a lot of British TV. It’s just dumb like the p-word or the d-word. What I think is hilarious in British TV is when they say “bloody” something and another character scolds them for cursing. It’s just an adjective!

To get back to TV shows – thought “Deadloch” was pretty good. Eddie was a bit over the top, but grew on me by the end.

Another Australian show I thought was superb was “Upright”. It was on Sundance I believe. I liked the first season a little better than the second, but both were good.

We’re watching “Breeders” right now. Also British. It’s funny and cringey and a little dramatic at times.

“The Bear” was intense. Haven’t watched the latest season yet.

We are enjoying the vampire comedy “What We Do In The Shadows” not advised for folks who don’t like cussin’ or dirty jokes.

Also love “Reservation Dogs”.


Violence and gore also bothers me. I prefer a show about art theft (think White Collar) than one with guns/bomb (like Burn Notice and Blacklist… though we watched them too).


Right there with you on cussing (doesn’t bother me if I otherwise like the show) and torture (a huge nope nope nope) but I really enjoyed The Bear so I guess yelling falls into the stuff I’m okay with depending on the show.


You might think about giving it another chance. The cursing gets considerably less frequent as the characters and the the workplace environment evolve. The second season has relatively little cursing compared to the first few episodes of the first season. Fbombs are replaced, if anything, by too many "Yes, chef"s :slight_smile:

Gratuitous cursing bothers me sometimes. I tried and tried to watch Deadwood and couldn’t do it. Every third word was the fbomb. Not only did it take up too much precious dialogue time, I just couldn’t accept that much fbombing was even slightly realistic for the era. In the case of The Bear, I don’t think it was gratuitous. I worked in enough “back of house” jobs in college to know that the dialogue in the first half of season one was extremely realistic.


I didn’t mind the cursing. I curse all the time myself. It was the shouting and just depressing overall. And I hate stand cooking shows and anything in that genre, so it’s not for me.


I’ve been watching 24 Hours in A&E on someone’s recommendation, maybe in this thread? Two things have struck me: there are (so far in my watching) no GSWs. Lots of trauma and illness but no GSW. The other thing that has opened my eyes is that people with very bad teeth can be, and often are, articulate, intelligent, funny and even poetic. Seriously, what is it about UK dentistry? Don’t they have enough dentists?


Finished Shelter last night. I only kept up to see the local sites, though in the last few episodes, they weren’t prominent. I wanted to like it, but I thought the plot got more and more ridiculous, with gaping holes that made no sense, and character behavior that made less sense, and ridiculous dialog, but from reading online, sounds like other people liked it. H and I barely made it through.

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I stopped watching about halfway through. My lack of caring what happened anymore out weighed my interest in the scenery.

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That was the right move.

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RE: cursing, a lovely, gentle show is Detectorists. The first episode has tons of cursing, maybe they weren’t sure what kind of show they were yet, because subsequent episodes are much tamer, language-wise.


Not enjoying the latest season of Jack Ryan as much. The plot seems convoluted and confusing. And zero humor. I don’t think we’ll keep watching it.

Nine Perfect Strangers with Nicole Kidman on Hulu is pretty interesting. Fantasy Island meets drugs.

Dear Child on Netfix (mine is in German with subtitles but think there are dubbed versions available) which on the face appears to be about domestic violence but really is a murder mystery/thriller. Some interesting twists.

Good thing you didn’t watch the Christmas Eve episode of The Bear!! Yelling and arguing on steroids.


But the payoff was Richie’s episode next.


Probably one of the best episodes of the season!


I’m rewatching Downton Abbey. Actually I think I never saw Season 1. I’m on episode 2. Amazon Prime.


I just got to the demise of Mr. Pamuk. Oh my!