Binge watched tv shows

I finally watched The Crowded Room on AppleTV+. It’s been on my list for awhile. It’s really good. Intense. Similar to Black Bird but not as violent. And I’ve become a big fan of Amanda Seyfried since The Dropout.
Looking forward to Lessons in Chemistry and the next season of For All Mankind drops on Nov 10. I also have been saving the latest season of The Morning Show for my upcoming trip which is this week!


Eve Hewson is in a new movie on Apple TV+, Flora & Son, about a woman in Ireland who takes online guitar lessons. It also stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (most recently starred in Mr. Corman on Apple TV). It’s kinda a cute romcom.


On my list, thanks!

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Finally watched The Queen’s Gambit. Highly recommend if you haven’t seen it. I was hyperventilating on the last episode.


One of my favorite mini series ever. Glad you enjoyed it

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I watched the Netflix Beckham documentary on my flights to and from Chicago this week. It’s 4 parts, and it was very good. You don’t need to be a soccer fan to enjoy it.


Keep the suggestions coming. I’m logging them in my JustWatch app to help us through winter.

I’ve mentioned made a few friends lately saying, “They say time goes faster when you get older, and it’s true… except during winter”.

Am binge-watching Annika, with Nicola Walker. Already aired in the UK, is on PBS Masterpiece now I think. “Water police”, if it happened at sea, in a loch, off a bridge over a river… it’s for them (Team of 4).
Lots of sarcastic humor (in the 4th wall breaks when Annika talks to us and in conversations) and after the first 2 episodes I took to her 15 year old.


Wellmania and Fisk, two fun Australian shows to pass the time :slight_smile:


From Mike Flanagan - if you liked Midnight Mass - he has an 8 part series “Fall of the House of Usher” on Netflix. Each episode is named after a Poe work and gives tribute to Poe in some way. And lots of actors/actresses from Midnight Mass are in this one. It’s like seeing old friends! Very similar feel, but completely different story line.

Copied summary from IMDb website.
Siblings Roderick and Madeline Usher have built a pharmaceutical company into an empire of wealth, privilege and power; however, secrets come to light when the heirs to the Usher dynasty start dying.

We are enjoying it. We are 3 episodes in. But so far, I preferred midnight mass.

This has probably been my favorite binge watch ever. I can and have watched it again but I’ll never enjoy it as much as I did the first time through. Who would have thought that chess could be so intense.

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Highly annoyed at my D19. She requested, and I bought, a DVD of “the complete” Last of Us.
Made me watch the first episode with her, on her birthday night.
OK, I grumped. Not caring. B/c, it was a video game, remember, and I am not thinking it’s gonna be much.

WELL. Was I wrong. It’s great!

There are two episodes left on the DVD and I say to her, “OK, I’ll buy the next season.”
Only then does she inform me that it hasn’t aired yet.
I am so spoiled. I have to WAIT. FOR. EPISODES?


Finished dead loch on amazon prime. Excellent actors. Almost comedy horror film? If there is such a thing. A little too gross but I still really liked it. A definite who done it.


World on Fire started last Sunday (PBS). They also ran 4-5 episodes from last year in the afternoon for those of us who can’t always remember things from more than a week ago.


I binged it twice. So good. I was hoping for a second season, but it doesn’t look like it’s happening.


I was surprised by how good The Last of Us was. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Queen’s Gambit was my reason for joining Netflix, and the streaming world. S was visiting with us for dinner, first Covid winter, and played the first episode through his subscription. H and I were hooked. I signed up for Netflix. The rest is history.

Wonderful show!


I haven’t watched Midnight Mass but I loved loved LOVED Haunting of Hill House. Was looking forward to House of Usher, but after reading reviews, I think it might not be my cup of tea. I generally don’t like horror - too gross and gory for me and Usher sounds like it would be on the gross/gory side. I only like tame stuff like Hill House or that Nicole Kidman movie, The Others. Where does Midnight Mass fall? Would I like that?

Midnight Mass is definitely gory/gross at times. Usher isn’t as much as Midnight Mass so far. And most of the time in Usher, it’s isolated to one main point where you know it’s coming and can put your head under a blanket and play on your phone for a few minutes (like me!). In Usher, episode 2 was the grossest. Episode 4, not as much, nor was episode 1. We haven’t seen 5-8.

Midnight Mass, OTOH… it was spread out throughout the episode, and the last couple were particularly gory.

I just really like the writing and the story lines.

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I read somewhere it’ll be 2025 before the 2nd season airs. :frowning_face: