Binge watched tv shows

Thank you! Did not realize that was available in the US…unless you are across the pond?

It’s not

(I am so am using BBC iPlayer and ITVx + watching live, but it’ll get to the US soon!)

I feel Marvel jumped the shark with the “multiverse”. Nothing is real or everything is real. If they can pass through realities then bad guys are never gone and good guys won’t really win. Star Trek waded into that too.


I can’t imagine “Shetland” without Perez.


That’s what I thought, but I’m liking the new season, although it’s only one episode so far.


New one coming up! :wink::yum:

In a couple of hours, yes.

I’ve been watching The Gilded Age (Downton Abbey lite), The Morning Show (Succession very lite), Lessons in Chemistry (not as good as the book but enjoyable in it’s own way).


As am I. Christine Baranski is such a great actor.

The morning show’s season finale was last night, so those who prefer to binge, now is your chance.


Garland - I also started watching the third season of Lupin and (just a few episodes in) there was a plot development that seemed to undercut some of the established relationships in the show. I immediately stopped watching!

Have a low “sad/uncomfortable” tolerance…lol

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Also watching Lupin S3 and not sure it’s worth continuing. Of course, I just have 2 episodes left so will probably just power through it. My theory is that S1 just seemed so good because it aired in the middle of a pandemic and the rewinding to show how he pulled things off was a novelty. But that novelty has worn off which explains why S2 and S3 are just kind of ‘blah’.

If you are referring to the plot development I’m thinking of, I’m sure they find a way to ‘rewind’ that to show that it isn’t really what we think. But there is another plot development that bothers me even more and is the nail on the coffin for me - the issue is that he has such a distinctive voice - no way that it wouldn’t be recognizable. Sorry to be so cryptic - don’t want to post any spoilers, but I think those who have watched it will know what I mean.

Editing to add: if you are only a few episodes in, maybe we’re not even talking about the same plot development(s), lol.


As far as voice, I think they showed in the preparation how that could be done. Nevertheless, I didn’t really like that plot line.

The other one–boy it hit me hard.

However, I did, after my earlier diatribe, binge the whole thing. Trying to sound neutral; if anyone wants to know in very general my reactions, PM me.

I had Lupin season 3 on my list but sounds like I would be better off skipping it.

I have slowly been going through the Marvel universe with my very cheap promotional Disney + subscription. Just finished binging Ms. Marvel and thoroughly enjoyed it - very creative! India/Pakistan Partition figured heavily in the plot - another point of view from the Book Club (and Dr. Who) portrayals.

Okay, I’ll say here I’m not sorry I watched Season 3.

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I’m not sorry we watched Lupin season 3. But… there were some plot twists I did not like. And a some things not totally explained, probably on purpose to set up for a season 4.


I have mixed views on The Gilded Age. I can take it or leave it, i.e., I’ll watch it if there isn’t anything else to watch. I do like Christine Baranski.

Also binged on Lessons in Chemistry. I loved it; I have read the book.


Just finished last episode of Reservation Dogs. Series got much more poignant as it went on. Last season focused on the backstory of the adults, along with the teens. Kids seemed to have no guidance at first, but we learn how the other tribe members were keeping an eye on them and guiding them through life.


We finished the newest season of Bosch Legacy last night. It wasn’t bad, but I don’t think it was as good as previous seasons, either Bosch or Legacy.

That reminds me - Little Bird on PBS is another look at the Native/First Nations/Indian experience. Touches on some topics that came up in Rez Dogs, from a different angle. A little hard to watch at times but so far, worth it.

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