Binge watched tv shows

I only finished the series because I’d gotten so far in Lupin, but…I was so disappointed with where it went, it was as if it was taken over by another set of writers.


I’m two episodes into All The Light We Cannot See. I read the book a while ago. I remember I “binged” it because I didn’t want to stop reading. So far I’m enjoying the show but I guess from the perspective of seeing the book come to life. It’s probably a lot different without the context of the book. The lead actress is pretty amazing for her first role.

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Annika watchers: are you for some reason finding the new season to be more fun than the first? We are enjoying the new episodes so much this year–funnier, sharper dialogue, having her asides to the audience in each episode based on a literary work (King Lear, Sir Walter Scott, 1984, etc). Last season we thought was just meh, OK.


I’m not sure I would ever put “Annika” and “fun” in the same sentence, but yes, I liked season 2 more.

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@MADad I’ve been watching Annika, but find the series to be just ok. I don’t care for the way Annika’s character is always talking to the viewer/camera. I’m also not a big fan at the way she treats the people in her life. I can’t remember from last season, but what was the reason for the difficult relationship with her father? And the flippant way she broke the news to Michael!

And totally random thing, but her hair! My mother, who also watches, and I both find her hairstyle to be very distracting - always looks messy and unkempt. It’s not just this particular character either. I’ve seen Nicola Walker in many series, and with the exception of one series, The Split, which is excellent BTW, her hair is always a mess.

Really? I think it’s fairly funny and light for a crime drama. I mean, it’s not a comedy, but definitely has comedic moments. Quite a bit more lighthearted than Unforgotten. Much less of a whodunit too. Things just seem to suddenly wrap up. I do like Nicola Walker, though, so we keep watching. But it’s kind of ehhh for us otherwise. I think if she wasn’t in it we would’ve dropped it.

Totally never bothered me in any of the things I’ve seen her in.


I finished Loki. The whole thing was a convoluted mess…like every time travel plot. There’s a drought of good shows to watch, so maybe I’ll get an Xbox.

I agree! I thought the 2nd season was fun in a British humor way, the dialogues especially.
Btw I loved the 1984 episode.

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Figure out how to watch British tv as a way to tide you over?

I must admit British comedy is genuinely funny.

I watched the last episode over the weekend. And I’m glad it’s over. What a mess.

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Big Annika fan, agree with all you said, laugh out loud moments. those asides are great.and, finale :hushed:


If you are a Ted Lasso fan, this will make your day. Okay…well maybe not your day, but at least your hour. :slight_smile:

Make sure you watch until the duet starts


That was great!!


I love her!


I’m exited for the new seasons of The Crown and Julia that start tomorrow.


Thanks for the reminder!

Didn’t know about Julia. Thanks.

I love it, not surprised, having had kids very involved in MT, I believe many many actors can sing, even if there isn’t any music involved in their present acting careers. They get leads in the middle school musical and go from there.


H and I finally watched season 3 of Ted Lasso. Why didn’t you tell me how much I would be crying. I love this show so much and I am so glad they just did 3 perfect seasons and called it quits.