Binge watched tv shows

D2 recommended Kimmy and I couldn’t stick with more than about 20 minutes. Dunno. But I did just start Bosch and like it.

Indian Summers Season 2 is starting on September 11.

@alh - I loved Lark Rise to Candleford. Seen that one?


We seem to watch a whole lot of tv; maybe that is the problem

There are books we haven’t read - we are just going to have to read more I guess.

Ooh, one I hadn’t heard of. Thanks for that tip, @OHMomof2!

I definitely should read more and watch less TV late at night, but I usually fall asleep regardless of what I’m doing. :slight_smile:

How about movies, @alh? Are you up-to-date on a lot of movie watching as well?

What movies do you recommend?

I think I am pretty up to date. I haven’t seen the Star Trek prequels which one of my kids is loving. My husband won’t watch that. I have been to a bunch of movies this summer and now I’m trying to remember what they even were. Usually I go when I’m together with the kids because husband will not go to a theater.

We like to watch one show/movie a night. We have been through Poirot three times and Foyles war twice. We would start Miss Marple over again but it’s only on DVD as far as I can tell.

Also watched Gently twice and some other British detective shows that escape me at the moment.

oh yes - Morse, Lewis, Endeavor. all at least twice.

I don’t know what anyone else thinks, but honestly the quality of netflix, amazon prime and all these new channels, makes it seem like “real” movies aren’t as appealing. I haven’t seen anything new in a while where I walked out and thought, now that was a really good movie!

@alh, have you watched all the Oscar contenders from this past year? Because most are out now on Netflix or elsewhere.

It’s not romantic comedy by any means but Spotlight is fantastic IMO, @eyeamom.

I agree, but I saw that quite a while ago. Probably my favorite movie of the past year. It just seems like there are only a handful of really good movies a year.

It’s definitely not “good movie” season right now at the theaters.

It’s always fun to rewatch some of the oldies. I’m a sucker for the old Hitchcock films. :slight_smile:

I watched one episode of Kimmy in summer of 2015 and thought it was okay, that I might come back. However, I was binging Miss Fischer at the time and Kimmy couldn’t compete. I did come back this summer and got hooked. I think you just need to give it a few episodes.

@LucieTheLakie thoroughly enjoyed it. Familiar faces, great characters, and 4 (5?) seasons to watch.

alh, How about Doc Martin? And another vote for Poldark and Call the Midwives.

@alh, have you seen the 4-part British series North and South? If not, prepare to be swept off your feet. :smiley: I would also strongly recommend Testament of Youth, if it is available anywhere. Of course, there are the various versions of Austen, but if you haven’t seen it, Death Comes to Pemberley is surprisingly good.

I also assume you’ve seen The Bletchley Circle? And Poldark?

Doc Martin - yep - twice
North and South - yep

I’m starting to feel more than a little bit silly. OTOH, we are old and have been empty nesting for a while and I don’t believe any of these shows are very new.

We generally can watch the good things at least twice because we don’t remember the first time round. During the detective shows, the normal conversation is: “do you remember who did it?” “No, I don’t either” “are you sure we watched this before?”

Okay, Doc Martin friends, I need advice. Netflix has seasons 1-6. Where can I watch season 7 for free so I can be caught up? And a great big thank you to all those who recommended it upthread!!

@alh, we are the same age. I am not old. :slight_smile:

I am claiming “old”

When you are old you can say “I can’t do that; I’m old” and people just leave you alone. That is really working for me.

Not a TV show, but I loved the movie Brooklyn. Book was better, but I fell in love with Emory Cohen. Thinking of “hot” male stars reminded me of Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and Martin Freeman as Watson.