Binge watched tv shows

I really love Vikings for the story and characters who I have come to care about a lot, but be ready for some serious violence, @Consolation . I have to literally look away sometimes.

A bit to wait, but

@dstark Iā€™m well into Season 2 and am enjoying it. I think Kyle Chandlerā€™s performance continues to improve. I also think that the woman who plays his wife is very good this season. I like the further exploration of each character and the related story arcs. Itā€™s so interesting the transformation of these family members from the big happy celebrating family in the very first episode to the latest episodes that show the disintegration of that family, the secrets that keep coming out, and the machinations of those trying to preserve the reputation of the family.

The young man who plays Nolan (and the young Danny) is excellent. I look forward to seeing more of him as the series continues.

@alwaysamom I have to start watching Bloodline! My DD moonlights at the resort where the show is filmed. She says the cast & crew who have stopped by are lovely folks!!

I recently binge-watched Nurse Jackie. Love Edie Falco, and the supporting cast was fabulous. Would love to chat with someone whoā€™s seen the series ā€“ there are some plot lines that I lost track of & it would be great to know if thereā€™s something I might have missed.

@auntiek, you have to watch Bloodline! :slight_smile:

@alwaysamom, I am happy to read your post. I agree with you on the actor who plays Nolan too!

We recently watched Nurse Jackie and thought it was really good. Iā€™m not sure I remember much- in six month, I seem to purge all extraneous entertainment details from my brain.

@auntiek, I watched Nurse Jackie when it was originally on so Iā€™m not sure how many details Iā€™ll remember but feel free to ask! It was a great series with such a wonderful cast, as always, made possible by the plethora of terrific NY actors available, including several whom I know! I always thought it was amusing that both her husband, Kevin, and her lover, Eddie, had been on The Sopranos with her.

Iā€™m always a little sad when a show is super popular and I donā€™t get into it.

Nurse Jackie, Bloodline (I only gave it one episode, may try again), Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Transparentā€¦I didnā€™t really like any of these enough to stay with them, despite the rave reviews.

A series I binged this weekend and enjoyed is American Odyssey, on Netflix. Action, intrigue, back and forth between Mali and the US. A soldier and a government conspiracy, kind of like The Blacklist in some ways. One season so far.

Nurse Jackie was great to watch -even when i couldnt stand her.
Luther had a new season - surprised that it was just 2 epispdes (not much of a binge)
Watching River now. working my way through british cop shows.

Was that really a new season of Luther? I have either seen it, or Iā€™m psychic. I think itā€™s more likely that Iā€™ve seen it.

Who was Eddie in the Sopranos? I feel ashamed to call myself a Sopranos fan since I didnā€™t recognize him from there.

I stumbled upon an Australian show, Offspring. Family drama. Liking it so far at the end of the first season.

From IMBD:

He was the priest that Edie flirted with, shamelessly.

Big congrats to Ben Mendelsohn for the Emmy win. I donā€™t watch GOT, never any desire to, but I cannot imagine that either of the nominees from that show could have given a better performance than Ben did in Bloodline. He is one of those rare actors who is able to do the work effortlessly.

Also happy for Tatiana Maslany on her win for Orphan Black. Go Canada!

Speaking of Emmy, I donā€™t how Sherlock the abdominal bride got an Emmy. I liked all other Sherlock. I stopped watching the abdominal bride half way through. It didnā€™t make any sense and somewhat stupid.

I watched Nurse Jackie in the spring and loved it! Iā€™m recently on Season 6 of Doc Martinā€¦another fun one. I need a new one!

The abdominal bride? Is that a typo or what exactly is an ā€œabdominalā€ bride?

typo, I meant abominable.

Netflix cancelled Bloodline. Season 3 will be the last unless the show is picked up somewhere else.

The writers were hoping for a few more years.

According to the following article, Floridaā€™s tax breaks are expiring.

Tatiana Maslany has deserved an award for years, even if Orphan Black has kind of jumped the shark at this point.

It was funny, though, that she talked about how great it was to work on a show that put women in the center. Thatā€™s true, of course ā€“ Orphan Black most certainly does put women in the center. For most of the first season, however, there were entire episodes where Tatiana Maslany was the only actress with meaningful lines. The principal cast consisted of Maslany (and Maslany, and Maslany, and Maslany . . . ) and five or six men. They subsequently made a real effort to introduce some female characters who were not Maslany clones,