Binge watched tv shows

Well, season 1 of Fargo was terrific. If you liked the movie, you’ll really like the series. I hear season 2 will have a new story line, new actors and reference other Cohen movies. (Season 1, besides Fargo, referenced ‘No Country for Old Men’.) Kinda sad because I loved the cast in season 1… but also intriguing.

How do you find Fargo TV series? Is it on netflix?

@Mom2jl‌ yup, Viking’s new season is coming up in a couple of weeks.

@alwaysamom - Omar is my favorite character of all time. When I was watching “Boardwalk Empire” I couldn’t help but call Chalkie by his real name…Omar.

“a man’s gotta have a code”

^^^ one of H’s friends from high school is one of the screen writers on Boardwalk Empire. We’ve never watched it, and everyone I’ve talked to absolutely loves it, but every time I read a description of it, it just doesn’t appeal to me. Is it one of those shows that really grabs you on the first episode?

Teri, I don’t really remember if it grabbed me in the first episode but I loved it all the way through, and the final season was exquisitely done. It was well-written, beautifully filmed and directed, and the acting was superb. The costumes and period design were one of my favorite things about the show, along with the historical storylines. Maybe the fact that I grew up in NJ and that we knew several actors who appeared on the show through the years was part of the appeal. I also love that it was filmed using a vast number of NY actors and theatre people, which is probably one of the reasons that it was so good. It is one of those series that I do recommend highly. Same with Treme, another character-driven show, with a terrific ensemble cast.

I think someone mentioned it upstream, but the first two episodes of Season 3 of The Americans is on tonight. I watched some of Season 1 at the time and liked it but didn’t keep up. Now I am really enjoying rewatching Season 1 on Amazon (free with Prime.) It is a lot of fun and intrigue but it is also thoughtful and complex.Takes place in the Reagan Era cold war. So I’m taping season 3 and trying to catch up. Reviews in Entertainment Weekly, (which I love) are good. Matthew Rhys is really good.

Just watched season one of Broadchurch until the wee hours last night- my library hold finally came up. Glad I was able to see the whole series at once. I had read the book more than a month ago and had forgotten the ending. Much easier to follow as a movie. Saw the trailer et al today for the season that starts in March. Now seems like a soap opera. I’ll wait until the entire season can be seen at once, if I bother. The original was extremely well done and gripping but now they’re dragging things out.

Best tv shows on Netflix streaming now:

Found a great BBC series called “Last Tango in Halifax”. Really good.

It is very good, but Derek Jacobi is apparently took a break to shoot a series with Ian McKellen.

Don’t bother watching the second series of Broadchurch (the British version). It was horrible. And it’s not just me - it got terrible reviews and ratings here in Britain. I watched the whole thing, hoping it would get better - it didn’t.

Time to binge-watch House of Cards.

If you enjoy Sarah Lancashire in Last Tango, watch her in another BBC series, Happy Valley. She’s excellent.

When the nest emptied, we binged on Nurse Jackie, Homeland, and Ray Donovan. Then, with snow showing no signs of leaving the Mid-Atlantic, we succombed to Netflix, where I watched all of Orange is the New Black and H joined me for Breaking Bad. We are now midway through Season 2 of House of Cards and I see that Season 3 now awaits. S is encouraging us to watch Walking Dead next. Zombies are not something that would normally interest us, but he says that after the first season, it’s more focused on the characters. It is also produced by Vince Gill, whose work on Breaking Bad was genius. Does anyone have a Walking Dead review to share?

@oldmom4896, that’s a great list. I must have a lot of free time. Watched more than half on the list.

@megpmom‌, sorry to hear this. I have been anxiously awaiting the new season.

@kc1214mom I hate zoombies and all that stuff, but had read so much about the Walking Dead. Last year I decided to watch it because it starred Andrew Lincoln, who I thought was so cute in Love, Actually. I HATE to be scared, but I was hooked. It really is a drama with zoombies, more than the other way around. You connect with the characters like in any good drama…and Rick is still so cute. You do sort of get over the goryness…or at least become more immune to it. It’s a very good show…worth diving into for at least a half season to give it a good shot.

I’m currently binging on Six Feet Under (is that right name). I do like it, don’t love it yet. Have watched about 6 episodes. It’s growing on me, but I think I would have enjoyed it better only having to watch one episode a week. It’s hard to binge watch because death is something I don’t like to continually think about! Not sure if I will continue after Season One, we’ll see. Saying all that, it is a very create and humorous show.

Just saw this thread!

I, too, recently binged on Broadchurch, which I really enjoyed. Past binges have included Netflix series Orange Is The New Black (but got tired of it halfway through Season 2), House of Cards (but am not anxious to start Season 3 due to feeling of sleaziness if I watch too much of it), Top of the Lake (fabulous!), and Marco Polo (very entertaining despite its many flaws). Also, not on Netflix, the original Danish/Swedish The Bridge (to which Broadchurch owes quite a bit).

DVD binges have included The Wire (but I got tired of it before it ended), Breaking Bad (ditto), True Detective, and several seasons of Game of Thrones. Also The Godfather I-III, and the original Swedish TV Scenes From A Marriage.

When my kids lived at home, there was something of a cult of binge watching failed TV series: My So-Called Life, Sports Night (Aaron Sorkin’s first show; highly addictive), Roswell (Jason Katim’s first, jumped the shark after superlative first season), Firefly, Wonderfalls, Twin Peaks. We also owned all of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Veronica Mars, which got heavy-duty repeat watching.

I never binge-watched Friday Night Lights, because except for the first episode I watched every episode when broadcast, or at most a day or two later. (Same with Downton Abbey and Sherlock Holmes.) My daughter kept resisting when I told her to watch it (FNL), until one day she called me up about eight hours into what turned out to be a two-season lost weekend for her and three friends to tell me yes, I was right, it was probably the best show on television. I don’t feel quite as strongly about Parenthood, but many people would love to binge-watch it.

I agree that 8-10 episode seasons are much easier to watch than 20-24 episode seasons, especially for hour-long (45 minute) shows.