Binge watched tv shows

Another fan of Top of the Lake here (except that I can’t stand Holly Hunter, but Elisabeth Moss more than made up for it).

Thanks for the negative review megpmom! We just ditched BBC channel when Dish raised prices. I was considering signing on again for Broadchurch but won’t bother now.

Just finished the whole 5 seasons of “The Killing” from Netflix. Good acting, perhaps a bit too much rumination and drama for some. The mystery kept us coming back, sometimes for 2 or 3 episodes per night. Very gritty and dark and it rains in almost every episode (supposed to be in Seattle). Ready for House of Cards again now…

I loved The Killling- had to wait a while for the final short season to conclude it and it kind of felt like they rushed through the last few episodes in an effort to finish off all of the questions before they had to end it- but still very good.

Conmama- I binge-watched 6 Feet Under. I started off by watching every episode in the first 2 seaons but then it got kind of boring so I ended up watching only the 1st and last episodes of each remaining season so I could see what happened. Sadly, I was able to follow the story still, but the ending got pretty ridiculous.

I went through House of Cards in a few weeks after my kids kept raving about it. I had a hard time getting into it but finally did. I did find the characters so disturbing that it was hard at times, but I will probably start the new season soon. I’m going to space it out to one per week. I also B-W the first 2 seasons of Walking Dead and then have kept up since. It is my "soap opera’ that is for my mindless enjoyment- it really is just a soap opera with zombies and is all in good fun.

kc - S2 and I have watched all but the current season of Walking Dead together. I’m not into zombies or gore, but the character development is good and the zombies become secondary, much as football is secondary in FNL. We ooohh and aaahhh and wince at some of the scenes, but we also laugh and shake our heads. Each season seems to have a few zombie deaths that outdo the previous in creativity. Two huge thumbs up from our house.

An oldie - H and I are working through episodes of The Wonder Years. I periodically binge watch Portlandia, OITNb, and am picking my way through Mad Men.

I highly recommend the BBC drama “The Missing”. Dark but wonderful acting.

The Wonder Years! I loved that show. I binge-watched a few years ago.

I am watching “The Wire” on Amazon. It is good but I am getting tired of nonstop f-word. Does it get better?

I loved “The Wonder Years”. I watched it when my kid went off to college a few years ago.

I’ll check out “The Missing” I like BBC shows, less violent and less cursing.

I am liking Treme very much. The show is great with the added benefit of the music!

We just watched The Office - UK version. It was pretty good. We enjoyed seeing where the US version came from. We watched the first episode of Dexter tonight. Oh my.

I just finished binging on the 11 seasons of MASH. I was convalescing with the fibula fracture. It was very thought provoking, especially remembering the time periods it was created and aired, as well as the other things being shown around that time.

I loved watching Margaret evolve, as well as Father Malcahy, Klinger and Colonel Potter. I’m more conflicted about Hawkeye.

Binge watched Netflix series “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” with my kids this weekend.

The show is produced by Tina Fey and is hilarious! I highly recommend it.

re: Dexter, you can just stop after John Lithgow, that was the peak season; if you do continue, the final show is horrid, just pathetic

Having finished The Wire (and yes, it continues to have vulgar language but so what???), I am so happy to have accepted CC’s wisdom to watch Friday Night Lights. Two-thirds of the way through Season 1 on Netflix and I am hooked, even though I have zero interest in high school football. The first episode, all I could think about was exploitation of very young football players and the risk of concussions but I got over that!

I try to limit myself to one episode a day, but I couldn’t resist watching 2 or 3 on Saturday and Sunday.

For me, it’s not just about the story or acting. I enjoy scenery nice music decency in people. All that F-word was making me tense. And not good kind of tense.

Ok, then, maybe The Wire is not the right show for you. Despite the depressing scenery and foul language, there is a lot of decency in people, along with more people who are not at all decent.

I just started watching Friday Night Lights as well. Taking it slowly though because some of it is pretty intense. I have watched four episodes of Season 1. I am surprised how much I really like it so far.

When you guys have binge watched “Bloodline” will someone please post a very short plot summary or pm it to me?

I have watched three episodes and it is too much for me, but I do want to know the the central mystery and the end. And it’s not on the internet anyplace yet that I can find.

Thank you.

Anyone watching Shameless (Showtime version not BBC)? I binge-watched Season 1, 2, and 3 and watched 4 in real time. Currently watching Season 5–two more episodes left. William H. Macy is an amazing actor. I keep telling my kids that I grew up in a dysfunctional family, but after watching Shameless, I think I have to take that back!!

Igloo, we couldn’t watch the wire either. Too much profanity for our family with an elderly member who likes to watch evening tv with us. Some shows have some profanity, and she deals, but the wire first episode was too much for us.

FNL watchers… Oh, how I remember our first time through that series. ( We own it and have watched it through 3 times so far.) Enjoy getting to know all the characters and locations! It is a wonderful show.