Binge watched tv shows

We discovered a program on Netflix, “Chef’s table”, that is really interesting. It isn’t really about being a foodie, it is more about a group of people who find their passion in very different ways, are very different people, and how they did it, coming from a wide variety of backgrounds. Actually, to be honest I wouldn’t be interested in going to some of the restaurants involved, not into the single scallop artfully presented on the plate kind of food for example, but still an interesting group of people. This and Michael Pollan’s “Cooked” have made me think a lot more about food, to be sure.

+1 to Chef’s Table, especially the first season.

@MaineLonghorn I watched the first episode when it came out, didn’t like it, and stayed away for 3 years. Decided to return and got totally hooked, read all the books, everything.

I clearly remember that first scene with the white walkers and being like “what the heck is this show about??”

We finished Peaky Blinders. Can’t wait for the next season, hopefully late this year.

S and I started Vampire Diaries from the beginning since we couldn’t remember where we left off a few years ago. I’m not sure who is more hooked. As far as network series’ go, it’s action packed throughout each episode and quite entertaining.

I watched three episodes of Shameless. No one will watch it with me. It is pretty far out there.

Just finished 11 episodes of Bordertown, which is police drama set in a Finnish town on the border with St. Petersburg. Finished season 2 of Hinterland, which is a police drama set in Wales. Both Netflix. Current watching The Tunnel, which is a police drama set between England and France. I think there is a pattern to my summer tv, lol!

Finished The Keepers last week and I highly recommend it. It is interesting, very well done, but grim and infuriating. Yet another strong hit against the Catholic church and how they have protected priests who sexually abuse minors.It’s been nominated for an Emmy.

Anyone watching Ozark? I’m about half way through. A little unbelievable at times, but entertaining and quite the ride! Justin Bateman and Laura Linney are excellent.

@alwaysamom , I also watched The Keepers and found it powerful, but I was somewhat disturbed by the “recovered memory” aspect. It didn’t seem as if anyone was leading the woman, as is so often the case, and I gather than at least some of her recollections seemed to be corroborated, but still.

@consolation. I agree with you. It is a difficult thing to understand. I’ve read quite a lot about recovered memory and, even as someone who understands it fairly well, and who personally knows two people who have experienced it, it is stiff a challenging phenomenon. I think in Jeanne’s case, much of what she remembers has now been corroborated by others who had a similar experience. I don’t want to say too much here in case people have yet to watch but there was one aspect of her ‘remembering’ that made me wonder.

I so admire Gemma and Abbie. One of my Ds who has watched joked that she’d love to see a show with the two of them as cold case detectives. :slight_smile:

In my extended family, we had an instance of recovered memory that had absolutely no corroboration, and that no one but the person with the recovered memory and (reluctantly) her bewildered supposed abuser/stepfather ever accepted. It was very difficult for me, because I was/am close to the woman with the recovered memory – she’s exactly my age, and we grew up less than a block apart – and my mother was so furious at her my mother banned her from family events at our house for a while. I honestly believe the episode had nothing to do with memory and everything to do with the accuser’s perpetually unstable sense of herself. I was present, as a child, for some of what she supposedly remembered, and, well, I didn’t remember anything like that.

Finished Season One of Nashville.

I loved the music in the first two seasons of Nashville!

Finished watching Bloodline - it was a little too dark and depressing for me. I am the kind of person who can’t put down a book even if it is bad, so I stuck with it and finished watching all 3 seasons, but wouldn’t recommend it. Any suggestions for something lighter? Am trying Bosch now on Amazon prime - have read all the Michael Connolly books on this character.

@amom2girls you know there’s a Hinterland 3?

Although it is dark I am enjoying The Fall on Netflix. Dark British police shows are my guilty pleasure. Yikes! What does that say about me! :o

I watched Nashville for music while they were on ABC. I liked Bosch, the first season of Bloodline but quit watching it half way through the 2nd season.

Oh boy, we have just finished “Broad Church”. wow! So good.

Don’t know if anyone mentioned Deep Water, an Australian crime miniseries. Netflix has it.

Deep Water is next on my list.

Just finished Trapped on Amazon. Very good Euro noir murder mystery filmed on east coast of Iceland.

I’ve watched the first two episodes of Ozark and I’m hooked! I also just started Deep Water and The Tunnel. On the lighter side, I recommend Jane the Virgin, Master of None and Insecure (HBO).

Trapped was dark but not depressing in that there are good people in all the cold and turmoil (sure there are bad ones, and petty ones, and foolish ones, and corrupt ones… But not only. I don’t like shows so dark no one seems redeemable and it all seems hopeless.)
Someone had mentioned Lucifer in my thread about fun summer fare and I found it a perfect summer show, watched both seasons this week. Laugh out aloud funny with some light suspense and a sprinkling of supernatural, plus superb actors (even the little girl). Didn’t think Tricia Helfer could have such perfect comic timing BTW because I always think of her as Six :stuck_out_tongue:
Started Stranger Things and finding it so enthralling I want to buy the season1 dvd to give it as a present to various family members.