Binghamton Fall 2017

So i reapplied to Binghamton. I got in fall of 2016 but unfortunately, I could not attend. However, I reapplied for Fall 2017 as a transfer student. I wish I did early action as I am very eager to find out the admission’s decision. But I applied in the beginning of this month and now that my application and transcripts have been received and nothing else is pending, I would like to know has anyone applied to Fall 2017 and found out if they’ve gotten in yet?

I know a couple people who applied and got in for the Spring Semester and usually, an admission’s decision is given 3 or 4 weeks after you’ve applied. Or, if you’re really lucky, they give it to you a few days after your status checker shows you’ve submitted all required documents.

I know for fall 2017, they make a decision by April 1st but when i applied the first time, i got my acceptance as early as feburary 9th when I initially applied on Janurary 20th. So I’m just wondering if there is anyone out there who has found out if they got in yet even though it’s a bit early in the process of them receiving applications?