Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions



How did they let you know you are off the waitlist? Was it an update to the application, a direct email?

My son got off the waitlist for Fall 2017. He received a phone call on the evening of May 9th and the next date, the update went up on the portal. For those who have been accepted, check your emails-there is a Binghamton Buzz email that is being sent to keep everyone in the loop and it has very important points such as health forms which are due by June 1st, orientation times (different times for different schools), move-in date, and family weekend date. Many people are driving up on Saturday, August 19th for the move-in date and the hotels are being booked up fast, the situation is similar with the family weekend hotels as well.

I got in off the waitlist into SOM on Thursday, May 9th via a phone call. I am going to visit this week. I already paid my deposit at Canisius College in Buffalo and have to decide whether or not to make a change.

@eagles15 My son is applying this fall to the SOM can you please share your stats. ACT/GPA ETC. That is great news. It is not easy to get into the SOM as a direct admit from high school

@euve69 30 ACT, 91.74 unweighted GPA, 3 AP classes, 3 years of honors English, Bad class rank due to competitive high school


Well, I do not know your personal circumstances, but Canisius is very expensive. I am assuming that you received some merit aid with your stats but as you know, Bing is an excellent university and the SOM is very well regarded. I do not know what you intend on majoring in, but their Accounting program is very strong. Good luck in whatever you decide.

Waitlisted for Watson anxiously waiting to hear their decision. I see a few have heard they were accepted for SOM. Has anyone who was waitlisted for Watson heard anything yet?

Anyone waitlisted hear from Watson yet??? This waiting is driving me crazy!!

Assuming I’m not getting off the waitlist at this point.

Seriously??? No one has heard from Watson? I guess my chances are 0. What a disappointment. I do not know what this school is looking for. I have AP everything, even college courses, 4 year varsity sport, 4 years music, NHS, science, math English and SS HS, Volunteer work, part-time job, tutor, 4.0, 1330 SAT 28 ACT…what more can I bring to the table??? I guess a middle class in state white male just gets kicked to the curb…smh…sad

Even if I am accepted, at this point after all of this waiting (I applied EA in November and still waiting!!) How cruel to put someone…lots of people, I know I’m not alone, through this torture.

Not necessarily, @Drew17 . My son didn’t apply, but my friend’s son was deferred, then accepted. His stats were 24 composite ACT, 3.8 UW with no AP’s or honors, 2 years in a JV sport, key club, eagle scout BUT a very talented musician. They took him to be in the orchestra. However, he declined and is attending a different SUNY. Also a middle class white kid from downstate NY. It depends on what the school is looking the class. This year, they apparently needed musicians and were willing to accept somewhat lower stats to get one.

Thanks for your reply @techmom99. Been in band since Elementary school, drums/percussion. Won an award last year for a solo performance at a state competition. The musician theory may not apply in this situation. And I know a lot of kids from my class that were accepted, no music but only 1 I know was accepted into Watson. Congratulations to your friends son, I’m happy for him. Do you know if he applied to the Watson school of engineering?

@Drew17 My S’s wait list letter said they would notify him by June 15. He applied to Watson. He applied EA, was deferred to RD, and then wait listed - very disappointing. He has not heard yet and he has moved on. I assume that the closer we get to June 15, the lower the wait list chances become.

His HS (NY) typically sends 5 or 6 students to Binghamton a year, sometimes as many as 12. This year they are sending none. There were some acceptances but none are attending. I don’t know why.

Good luck to you! I hope you hear good news.

@STEM2017 Where is your son winding up? Mine is attending Ithaca College

@Doberlady He will be at Virginia Tech for engineering. He’s deciding between aerospace and mechanical. They showed him the love and there’s no turning back now.

Best of luck to your son!

@STEM2017 thanks :slight_smile: best of luck to your son too

S was notified today that class is filled and that they will not be taking anyone else from the waitlist. He applied to Watson.

Thus ends the very long, very annoying trek that began on October 1st…8 1/2 months ago.