Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

Word from today’s accepted students day is that 33,000 applied and 2,600 were accepted. That’s certainly lower than 40%! :-SS

Sorry. That is incorrect. They have 2600 incoming students. They have to accept 4-5 times as many students as they enroll. That is because most decline their offer of admission. So, the school didn’t go from a 40 percent admission rate to less than 10 percent. They probably accepted 12000 of the 33000.

Oh, and the 33000 figure you quote is from a banner at accepted students day today - and the banner said 2016 applications. I saw it on Facebook. That was last year. They haven’t come out with this year yet.

@itsajoke My apologies.

I said “word from today’s accepted students day” as in, I heard this from someone who is attending accepted students day. So yes, it is likely that she saw this on a banner and misinterpreted it to me.

I am [clearly] not any sort of admissions representative or the next Allan Lichtman (I am merely an incoming freshman), so no-- the prediction is almost assuredly false. Amidst the excitement and hearing from someone who is at the accepted students day I’ve assumed that this information could’ve possibly been released already but really, no one should know about that yet.

Thanks for clearing it up.

That was a great reply. Well done.

If you took offense to my correcting information, my apologies.

For the benefit of those on the waitlist, any impressions from Accepted Students Day? Thanks.

Got waitlisted and accepted spring 2018 :(( really want to go so i probably will transfer. Anyone know how that works? Like, am i allowed to pay a deposit and go to buffalo for one semester while paying a deposit for bing? Do i have to tell buffalo i am transferring?

accepted student day was great today but here are a few of my observations/notes:

  • i don’t understand why they’re so adamant on stuffing more and more kids into the school to reach a student body of 20,000… i simply don’t get the point
  • dorming for freshman was a little confusing to me
  • i don’t feel as confident now as i did before that there are enough majors for me to choose from in harpur
  • when asked about transferring schools, it was very unclear
  • MOST IMPORTANT: this is the first year there is NO roommate matching questionnaire. it is 100% or random or you need to know who you want to room with. when asked why the questionnaire is discontinued, there was no straight answer and it was super annoying

on a positive note…

  • student only session was super fun and probably the most insightful thing
  • food was good from the marketplace
  • campus is pretty even in the winter
  • people are enthusiastic and friendly

i was happy today and am 99% positive i’m going to commit to bing!

also i am worried about internship oppurtunities

does anyone know how to sign up for the open house on april 23rd? I saw the link there before and i went to go try and sign up for it today i couldn’t find it anywhere on my status page.

@sc09923 I watched this video uploaded a few days ago ( and it seems you fill out a profile with questions and then match with others based on the way they answered. So it is either random or who you choose based on your preference. That’s what I understood at least.

thank you so much!!! this definitely makes me feel better! i’m not sure why they said yesterday it was 100% random no questionnaire but this clears it up

@Waitingpatient ^^

I think after May 1st we will know

@kandrade my daughter received a status update and the invite to 4/23 open house was there

Could somebody tell me how to understand about the open house on 4/23? The spring 2018 admitted but fall 2017 wait listed students are also invited, but it’s in the fall 2017 category…

@starliffy hey I was accepted to bing 2021 you mind adding me to the group me?

^banned user

Has anyone spring 2018 admitted gotten off the fall 2017 waitlist?

@aed2021 I’d be surprised if anyone is accepted from the waitlist before the May 1 deadline. It’s possible, but not likely.

Patiently waiting for the dust to settle, i.e for Bing to reconcile deposits they received with offers they extended and open up spots for Fall!