<p>So i was hoping that maybe someone could help me, i’m seriously stuck. </p>
<p>I’d like to major in biology, and got accepted to both Cal Poly and UC Santa Cruz as a biological sciences major, but i’d prefer specifically human biology or cell/developmental biology rather than general bio, both of which Santa Cruz offers. But neither of these majors are offered at Cal Poly, only general bio, yet Cal Poly seems to be a better school, or at least has a better reputation than Santa Cruz does…and i’ve visited and love both schools. Cal Poly is also the cheaper option, but Santa Cruz is more known for their science programs…
…ugh i don’t know what to do.</p>
<p>Are you going on to grad school? In that case, I wouldn’t think it would matter as much where you get your undergrad degree. But, I understand your desire to have more of a specific Bio concentration, hence the question about UCSC.</p>
<p>We live in Santa Cruz, so there’s no way my daughter would attend UCSC.
You’re right, that overall Cal Poly SLO is rated higher in a few of their majors. I also just think it’s more popular and “prestigious” for lack of a better word. And, cheaper to attend. That said, I remember commenting several years ago that it would be fun to be a college student in Santa Cruz, particularly downtown and having access to the beaches and mountains. I can say the same thing about San Luis Obispo now that my daughter is a student there. Best wishes with your decision!</p>
<p>Yeah i’m definitely thinking about going on to grad school but i’m not really making my decision based on that yet, i just love both schools for different reasons and i’m having trouble choosing one. I definitely love Cal Poly’s prestige and the spirited atmosphere of the school, but i love the surrounding city of Santa Cruz and it just seems like more of a bio school than Cal Poly. Thank you for the reply! :D</p>
<p>Well, overall, UCSC will be more liberal. And, Cal Poly leans more to the right. But, I think that has a lot to do with the cities where these colleges are. SLO is more conservative and Santa Cruz definitely more liberal. I was born and raised in SC and the University has also caused our city to lean more to the left. I’m basing this on the changes I’ve seen throughout the years and knowing the history.</p>
<p>I wish I could answer more specifically about Biology, itself. I have a feeling you will taught by more, if not all, TAs at UCSC, whereas that isn’t the case at Cal Poly. If I were you I would visit CP on Admitted Students Day on April 15th and Open House on the next day. And, do the same for UCSC and then write a Pros and Cons list and see which one comes out ahead in the end. Good luck! My daughter did this between Cal Poly and USC.</p>