<p>Hey just wondering how hard is biochem as a major? and is it possible to double major in biochem and business? I would love ur feedback and i have already been accepted EA!!</p>
<p>It is not possible to double major in Biochem and Business. Due to the requirements of the CAS and the DIFFERENT requirements of the CBA, plus the fact that biochem takes mainly (obviously) science courses that wouldn’t go at all towards the Business degree, it is near impossible to graduate with everyone else. I am a chemistry major, and I tried to inquire about doubling in business, and the CBA told me they wouldn’t let me-- even though I have a lot of AP credit and a good gpa. That is why I’m trying to transfer into business.</p>
<p>You can minor in business, which is becoming more and more popular lately, and do co-ops that focus on the business side of biochemistry.</p>