Biochemistry vs Public Health for pre-med

I want to go to medical school but don’t know what major will set me up for the best success. I currently chose biochem (health science minor) and I have research experience so it will be easier for me to do research on campus. I’m just afraid biochem will ruin my GPA since I heard it’s a ruff major and I’m not the best test taker.

I also really like public health but don’t have much experience in it. (I would minor in biochem.) I’m afraid this would limit my research opportunities but I think it’s a much easier corse load so I would have a better GPA and less workload? Do you have any aduce on what i should major in that would be best to get into med school?

You will need to take the med school pre reqs and they’re not just science. Your major is not relevant.

Major in something that interests you.


You can major in anything you want as long as you take the prerequisites that are necessary for medical school. Choose a major that you find interesting.

In my daughter’s school there were a variety of majors within the school of public health: biostats, nutritional sciences, epidemiology, etc. You can choose any of these majors while taking the classes you need.

Majoring in public health will not limit your research opportunities. Many students major in public health and are involved in all kinds of research.

You will be taking difficult classes as a premed student. This will continue into medical school. You will also be taking lots and lots of tests. Avoiding classes in order to preserve your gpa is not realistic.

My advice is to choose a major that you find interesting. Best wishes!

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Medical schools really don’t give two hoots what you major in so long as you have taken the courses they require for applicants.

So…as others have said…choose a major you really like.

I would also suggest that your major have the potential to lead you to a job/career that is not doctor, just in case you don’t get accepted to medical school like most applicants.


As others said, you can major in anything you like. You just need to fit the med prerequisites into your schedule as well. Bio and biochem have the most overlap with the prerequisites so those are popular with premeds… it’s easier to fit into the schedule.

When you meet with your advisor you can map out a four year plan of major+premed classes. If you would like to study abroad, discuss that as well. Some schools will not give credit for major classes taken at other institutions or will only accept them from a limited number of partner institutions. My premed kid changed her major from biochem to more easily accommodate a semester abroad. That may not be an issue at your school but ask to be sure.

Whatever major you choose, it should be one you are interested in because you’re more likely to have a high GPA. And consider the career potential of the major if you do not get accepted to med school.


But be careful about taking required courses for medical school admissions at a college abroad. Most medical schools will not accept required courses taken abroad.

Good point. I should have mentioned that as well. Thanks.

In my kid’s case, it was not a problem to work in a semester with no premed courses. The challenge was working in a semester with no labs as her school does not give credit for labs taken elsewhere. That is why she switched from biochem to neuroscience. That allowed her to fit in a semester abroad, but she had to choose between two universities her school would accept classes toward the neuroscience major. It worked out fine, but she had to do some legwork to figure out her options… meetings with department advisors, pre-health advisors and the study abroad office.

@kingfisher1947 get to know the various advising teams at your school. :smiley:


Biochemistry is a tough major. My DS who is very strong in both bio and Chem found it to be very challenging and had to work hard for grades.