BIOG 1101 Prelim

<p>Anyone know what the average usually is for the first one? I know it will vary year to year, but since it's curved I'm just curious to know what score would be considered average if anyone knows or has an idea from last year or anything.</p>

<p>Last year I think It was a 77</p>

<p>Thanks. Just trying to get an idea.</p>

<p>Another quick question. Are the exams cumulative?</p>

<p>It says for the 2nd prelim and final that they’re only the lectures since the last exam, so i’m wondering if it’s cumulative, or they’ll only test you over what you learned those lectures. I know there will be prior knowledge assumed you know, but like they aren’t going to test us in depth on membrane structure and function that we learned now, on the final, are they?</p>

<p>Last year the exams weren’t cumulative. Each test was on a third of the material</p>

<p>only essay is cumulative when i took it</p>