Biology and Society

<p>Hey, are there any current CALS Bio & Society majors out there? any Alums? I have a few questions.
1) How is the work load?</p>

<p>2) How is the difficulty?</p>


<p>bump anyone out there?</p>

<p>I would be curious to know as well, since that is why I applied to. However, I haven’t gotten in yet.</p>

<p>not sure but id guess pretty similar to the difficulty of regular bio majors… they dont differ by taht much</p>

<p>The workload varies from semester to semester…as does the difficulty (and the difficulty is subjective). </p>

<p>The BSoc major is easier than Bio in the fact that the major does not require as much upper division science. The junior and senior years of BSoc involve a lot of reading and paper writing. There is also a lot of flexibility in the major…so you can design your own curriculum and cater it to your intellectual interests.</p>

<p>For me…the worst part of the major was the senior seminar. I picked the only one that fit in my schedule…and I hated it…although I do admit I learned some intriguing concepts that somehow work their way in conversations here and there. </p>

<p>If you go to the Science and Technology Studies/BSoc website…you should be able to find a copy of the curriculum. Use that to get an idea of what classes you might be interested in.</p>

<p>oh that sounds great…flexibility… as usual you are always so helpful dewdrop! thanks i appreciate it. just one more question, im still considering switching to biological sciences…any pointers there?</p>

<p>Haha…the ongoing battle between BSoc and Biological Sciences :-)</p>

<p>I was in your situation…but stuck with BSoc. IMO…I think the first year of each program is identical. The advantage to Biological Sciences is that you will get your upper division science classes…it’s just the way the major is (you might have to work harder to get all those upper div courses in BSoc just because of the BSoc requirements). I stuck with BSoc because I was able to design the major such that I took as many upper div science classes as the Bio majors…but was also able to take a wide variety of social science/humanities classes. I think this gave me better prep for medical school (when I finally make it…lol). </p>

<p>Before you arrive on campus…try to find the curriculum for each major and do a side-by-side comparison. Be honest with your interests and you’ll be able to choose the right major for you. My biggest pointer…if you really despise reading, writing and frequent small group discussion…you won’t like BSoc.</p>

<p>haha wow there’s a battle. thanks for the pointers. yea ive studied the Bsoc curriculum, it looks a lot more free and unrestrained. Well, from my point of view, it looks much better and more preparing for Law school which is my ultimate goal. I’m still kind of torn as I don’t enjoy reading, but i absolutely love writing and small group discussions, so i guess i’ll have to wait and see. Fortunately, there is a new elective class in my high school that is called “ethics of science” and by taking it, i might get a preview of what Bsoc might be like. Thanks again. As for medical school, I’m sure you’ll do fine. Good things go to those who do good deeds :). Just out of curiosity, which medical schools do you want to attend?</p>

<p>Plenty of kids from the BSoc department went on to great law school programs :-)</p>

<p>I would love to go to SUNY Upstate…they have a great rural medicine program. But…as long as the school is up North…I don’t have much preference. I just want to get out of New Orleans!!</p>



<p>I thought you liked it in the South, Dew?</p>

<p>P.S. Are you applying to SUNY-Buffalo?</p>

<p>Well…I was loving it down here until the new year. Since January 1st…there’s been a string of murders…including a father murdering his 2 year old son to get out of paying child support. I’m just tired of the violence and government corruption. But…until I get into med school or find another job that pays as well as the one I have now…I’ll stay down here. </p>

<p>I was certainly spoiled by growing up in a small town. </p>

<p>I didn’t apply to SUNY Buffalo in this application cycle…but, the way things are shaping up this time…I might have to apply next year…hahaha</p>