Biology Dept.?

<p>Hi. I’m thinking about applying as a Biology major. Any suggestions or food for thought about the strength of Bryn Mawr’s Science Dept.?</p>

<p>I'm applying as a Biology major as well... I heard the academics at BMC are outstanding, and LAC's can be strong in the sciences.. but i would also like to know how the science department at BMC is</p>

<p>Bryn</a> Mawr College: Biology
^Handy website for prospective bio majors.</p>

<p>37% of BMC students do a major in either a math or natural science, so the departments certainly are not neglected. The admission rate to medical school is also more than 75%, if you're interested in that.
(Found in Bryn</a> Mawr College | Character: Facts)</p>

<p>I've taken the intro class for majors and it was a really great class. Both lecture professors were engaging, easily reached, and very clear. The lab was even better- lab professor also amazing. Peer Led Instruction meetings (kind of like TA sessions, optional) to study and review concepts are helpful (that information is from friends of mine, I have classes during the PLI). </p>

<p>I'd give you more info but I'm not planning on continuing in bio. I'm pretty much a humanities person. If/when you visit, sit in on a class and stay after to talk with the professor.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>also, does anyone know if i put down biology as my intended major, but my grade in the courses (AP Bio and Bio) are somewhat lower, does this affect my chances at getting in?</p>

<p>Brillar: Thanks a bunch!</p>

<p>MCS: I would say you're a bio major on the app, even if your bio grades are lower b/c if you don't and get into Bryn Mawr as a diff major, would you still want to go? Take this with a grain of salt though b/c I don't have any credentials and am in the same boat as you.</p>

<p>I don’t know how much they consider major as an admissions factor because we don’t have to declare until sophomore year, and BMC knows that majors can change… If you were being admitted to a school of sciences or something like that, it would make sense, but otherwise… I don’t know. Mark it if you want too- especially if you show a lot of passion for it in your app.</p>