Biology mayor the struggle is real

Hi all!
So I’ve been working in manufacturing in pharma for more than a year now. I hate it; money wise, work environment and growth potential wise. Very repetitive. I’ve realized I need something more analytical and mathematical to really enjoy my work (those instances were we had to calculate stuff or work with programmers were very exciting for me). Ive also learned engineers have sooo much more potential for growth and opportunities. So I decided to make a change and look for better opportunities.

I have a BS in interdisciplinary sciences with focus on biology. I graduated 3.45 overall and 3.8 in science. My original plan was to get into pharmacy but I sidetracked to get some money and well just see what the industry was all about.

My plan A is to enter pharmacy school. But I am not to sold out on my chances to get in.

So im trying to figure out a plan B, my options in my area are either:

-masters in biomedical engineering. Seems very enticing and I really would like to get into engineering. However I’ve read mixed feelings about the degree so im not to sure if I should pursue.

-masters in public health with bio statistics. Would love bio statistics since statistics was one of my fav undergrad courses but the degree is not pure biostatstics so I am not sure as to its viability in the job market. Also I engineers have more earning potential?

-Go for double mayor, second one being in engineering, probably in computer or electric. But this would have me go to school for lots of more years and still be at BS level.

All in all, I want a job for the money because its a means to an end. I want to make most money out of my next years and retire as early as possible.
So I figured I just need to find a place where I am good at, regardless of whether I like or not the job. Thus anything related with analysis and/or mathematics would be great for me. What would you do being in my position? So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

If you want a job for the money, why run to graduate school? It seems to me the best thing to do would be to go find another job that you like and makes more money. It would be a waste of money to go to graduate school if you haven’t figured out what you want to do next.