<p>Anyone on this board minors in biology, or has a child who minors in biology?</p>
<p>Particularly curious about how much chemistry is required.</p>
<p>As a mech eng major, only one semester is required of chemistry. Biology majors require two years of chemistry: general and the dreaded organic.</p>
<p>Son is not premed, but is interested in grad school in biomedical engineering.</p>
<p>*Anyone on this board minors in biology, or has a child who minors in biology?</p>
<p>Particularly curious about how much chemistry is required.*</p>
<p>For a bio minor, no chem is required since a minor consists of classes within the major.</p>
<p>I’m looking at the minor requirements now and do not see any chemistry listed as a minor or ancillary requirement. It may be a prerequisite for a course, but it’s not an actual requirement.</p>
<p>I’m fairly sure only chemistry up to organic II is required.</p>
<p>Since a Bio minor chooses his classes from a list of Bio only classes, I think he can successfully choose courses that avoid any difficult chem pre-reqs.</p>
<p>Minor courses. The minor in biology requires the completion of the following 22 semester hours:</p>
<p>Courses Hours
BSC 114:115 or BSC 118 4
BSC 116:117 or BSC 120 4
BSC electives 300 or 400 level 6
BSC electives 200 level or above 8
Total 22</p>
<p>only one of the 200 level classes require 2 semesters of chem as a pre-req (so could be avoided).</p>
<p>a few of the 300/400 level classes require some chem, but they could be avoided if desired, since a student chooses these classes (none are particularly required.)</p>
<p>The fun classes through require organic. Organic is not really that bad in the grand scale of things.</p>
<p>Which are the “fun” classes? </p>
<p>I took organic…it’s not too bad.</p>
<p>Organic was a course feared by the premeds when I went to college. I took it during the summer. </p>
<p>Thanks so much for the help, guys.</p>
<p>Will look at what the prerequisites are for the desired courses for the minor.</p>
<p>I saw Microbiology, Bacteriology, Biochemistry. I think there’s also a forensic chemistry course offered somewhere.</p>
<p>I think the second semester of organic is much harder than the first. </p>
<p>Organic is feared by pre-meds because med schools look closely at those grades. Pre-med students want A’s in those classes.</p>