UA College Arts & Sciences, do u need a minor?

Need help, do you need a minor to graduate from UA College of Arts and Sciences?
Can you graduate without a minor?

I think it depends on the major. What major?

Usually you do, but maybe you could double major?

What about an engineerinf student?
Do they need to have a minor/double major too??

No, eng’g students do NOT need minors or second majors. No one needs a second major ever.

As for needing minors, there are some majors that require a minor, but many do not.

I think the OP’s child is premed. If he is, and he’s either a Bio or chem major, then it would be easy to look up to see if a minor is req’d. If so, then it would be easy to choose chem or bio as a minor…or something else that interests. Those in CBH have that as a minor.

I just looked at bio and chem and I didn’t see a minor req’t. When my older son graduated with math degree, I don’t think he was req’d to have minor, but he did have CBH and philosophy minors.