<p>Hi All,
I'm a Capstone Scholar and will be taking Biology. Does anyone have information regarding how large and what the difficulty level of the classes are as a Freshman? How are the facilities/classrooms?
Also, would you suggest U101 with Capstone, or the Pre-med U101?
And finally...how as Freshmen, do we learn which professors are better than others if we're new?
Many thanks :)</p>
<p>i know lots of intro classes can be on the larger side as your lecture but i believe there are smaller lab sessions that you’re broken up into. other than that i dont know too much info cause i havent taken any of those classes but in order to find out about teachers and who’s good and who’s not…go to ratemyprofessor.com and search university of south carolina and you can look up the teachers by their names and read ratings/comments by studetns who have taken them!</p>
you might want the advice of whoever is going to be advising you on which type of Univ101 to take…thats the perfect kind of question to ask them, and the student advisors who will be working Orientation.
Ratemyprofessors won’t be much help to you w/o knowing your professors names unless you look up a general dep’t and look through all the ratings for all the profs.Maybe again, ask around at Orientation.Once you are on campus as a freshman,you’ll get to know that kind of info easier.</p>
<p>I think I can help out. I was in Capstone last year and am also pre-med. I wanted to take the pre-med section, but by the time I signed up for classes, the sections were filled so I took a Capstone section instead. I really don’t know if it will make a difference.</p>
<p>As for the classes, I took intro chem and bio and they were big classes for the lecture (over 200), but the lab sections are much smaller (~25). Picking professors really depends on two things: the timing of the class and the actual professor. Sometimes you might not be able to get the professor or time you want, so that kinda stinks, but if you have the option, you can go onto ratemyprofessor.com to see the ratings. </p>
<p>However, my experience has been that the bad ratings are due to students who did a poor job. For example, I took the hardest professor for biology 101 based on the ratings and while he was difficult and I had to study an insane amount of time, I still pulled off an A. So don’t worry too much if you get a bad professor based on the ratings because if you put the work in, you will see the reward.</p>