Biology test curves E v M

<p>I am about even in the E and M sections for bio so i don't know which to take. Which has a more favorable curve?</p>

<p>They are both about the same.</p>

<p>what are the usual curves? I’ve searched and found anywhere from -3 to -8.</p>

<p>Here’s the Princeton Review curve (from the 07-08 edition):</p>

80 : 800
79 : 800
78 : 800
77 : 790
76 : 780
75 : 770
74 : 760
73 : 750
72 : 740
71 : 730
70 : 730
69 : 720
68 : 720
67 : 710
66 : 700
65 : 700
64 : 690
63 : 680
62 : 680
61 : 670
60 : 670</p>

<p>I can go lower if necessary. I thought the test on test day was pretty much identical in difficulty. Based on the PR curve I got a 790 on both practice tests, and I expect a 750+ on test day.</p>

<p>I think the E curve is just a bit nicer than the M curve.
If I’m remembering correctly.</p>