Biomedical Engineering Colleges for me?

<p>What are some biomedical engineering colleges that are a match for me? I would prefer to go out of state, maybe to California, but I'm not sure. Thanks.</p>

<p>High School: Magnet School (Engineering Program)
State: Nevada
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA- 4.0
Weighted GPA- 4.8
Rank- 1 out of about 500</p>

<p>SAT- 2100 (plan on retaking in October)
CR- 640
Math- 760
W- 700</p>

<p>ACT (taking in Sept. or Oct.)</p>

World History- 5
U.S. History- 5
English Language- 4</p>

<p>AP classes I am taking next year (senior year)
Calculus AB
U.S. Government
English Literature
Statistics (self-study because schedule didn't work out)</p>

National Honor Society (10, 11)
(Local/City) Youth Orchestra, after school program (11)
Math tutoring, volunteering (10,11)
Library, volunteering (11)</p>

<p>I will continue to be in both of these clubs next year as well and I might join Math or Medical club next year.</p>

Student of the month, engineering (9)
Student of the month, music (11)
School Orchestra- Assistant Section Leader (10,11)
Honor Orchestra (10, 11)
All State Orchestra (11)
National History Day, 1st place State (11)
Violin (11 years)</p>

<p>Any recommendations of colleges?</p>

<p>Schools to Consider:</p>


<p>How about adding: UVA, Johns Hopkins, and Duke if you don’t mind coming East.</p>

<p>Thanks! Do you guys think I have a chance of being accepted to those colleges though? If you don’t think I have a chance, what should I improve one?</p>

<p>NC State University and UNC-Chapel Hill have a joint Biomed. Engineering program.<br>
I think you apply through NCSU.</p>

<p>Thanks! I’ll do some research on it. :)</p>

<p>Case Western has an outstanding Biomedical Engineering program. They also offer pretty generous merit aid. It is worth a look. Good luck to you.</p>

<p>Oh, I’ve never heard of Case Western. Thanks for the recommendation.</p>

<p>^I had never heard of it either when I was looking at colleges (many years ago). It may be the location, Cleveland, Ohio, but it has an exceptional reputation, particularly its biomedical engineering and premed programs. It is worth a look.</p>