Black guy. White fraternity

<p>“I do wish greek relations everywhere were open to everyone equally, but that is simply not the case at all.”</p>

<p>“Sexism and racism can be found anywhere. It is disingenuous to claim otherwise.”</p>

<p>Very true comments from two different posters. Both of these statements can be applied not only to Greek life, the UA, and Alabama, but to society in general. Each of us has subtle (or not so subtle) personal preferences which come into play in our daily lives, Greek or not.</p>

<p>The sad thing here is threads like this generally prove to be the work of those wishing to cast the UA, Alabama, Greeks, or other groups in an unflattering light by stirring controversy. It takes away from the spirit of this forum in my opinion.</p>

<p>I know a black guy who is in an IFC Fraternity at Ole Miss. Yes Mississippi the state where a black man was killed just for being black(look up James Craig Anderson). But, people of all colors interact with each other that are none Greek. I saw plenty of minority men at UA that are in interracial relationships with white women at UA as well. It is just the Greek system. The racism is one of the many reasons why the Greek system at UA is so looked down upon. I don’t know about the soroity girls, but the frats have some racist d-bags in them for sure. I don’t know the exact name of the frat, but they did a march in confederate rebel gear and stopped infront of a black soroity house like a bunch of punks. If they was actual men they would have stopped infront of the black frat house. These frats play black music at their parties as well. Just like in the tap dancing/jazz days in the past, “I like your music, but your still a ******” .To be honest I don’t know too many blacks who would put up with UA IFC hazing anyway.</p>

<p>I have been born and raised in Alabama. Like everybody else in this state I know blacks who have been following the team all their lives. When they find this out about UA they are DEVASTED and speechless. It’s a problem indeed because many blacks grew up with the majority of their friends being white and just CANNOT fit in with the NPHC. Stepping and barking like a dog, dancing with a cane, etc. is JUST NOT THEIR THING.</p>

<p>I guess he does not want to be a part of change to help make things better for all. </p>

<p>Last night while thinking of all of this I was taken back to when DD2 was in the 3rd grade. Picked her up from school and once in the car she “lost it”. This mom threw the car in park and refrained from reverse to go back and deck whomever is causing my baby to be so upset. Thru all of her sobs and slobber I only understood one word and it was the name of a classmate. A cute little girl with a HUGE grin and smile every time she saw me. She would come running to me with a hug and yelling my name at the top of her lungs happy as could be. She would see me driving down the street when she was walking to/from school and would stop and yell out and jump up and down waving when she saw us. Sweet little petite girl with an eager smile. That day I finally got out of D2 was this: Mama, I was playing with E at recess when W, X, Y, & Z came over and W said, “I can’t play with you cause you are black” and turned around and walked off. My heart sank and eyes welled up. I asked D2 what she did. Mama, I told her I could play with her and that my mama liked her. You know that mental checklist you keep as a parent, I checked off a box that day that I had done something right in teaching my kids to love others. These 4 girls with the ringleader that said this, the best word I have to describe this family is FAKE! Whenever the mom would see me and say, “HI FRIEND”. My spine would cringe and twitch. Oh, there is so much more with this family. I’ve seen the real them and they are not going to change. What I can do is what I have done and have been. I’ve been teaching my kids to be leaders and encourage others, love others, make a difference. Don’t be afraid to be around people different than you. Don’t let others lead you astray and stick to your principles. Do what is right. I’ve seen it a million times over with D2 and her tender heart. She stuck with her friend and it didn’t matter what the mean/popular girls thought or said. </p>

<p>Thinking back to a sermon a few years ago that I know stepped on some toes. It had to do with sending kids to private Christian schools and thinking they are going to “change the world”. You can’t change the world staying in the middle of the flock of sheep.</p>

<p>Bama187, there are several IFC fraternities at UA that have or have had African American and minority members (including mine). I agree NRDMOM and bamagirls. This thread is full of people wanting to bring UA down it seems. The march was part of a fraternity’s "Old South " weekend. They do it every year to honor brothers killed int he civil war. The “black sorority house” planned an event in front of their house without registering it with the school and it was simply a logistics issue. They didn’t do it to try to intimidate them, it was just on their march around campus. People should stop being pot stirrers and twisting events around to feed their idea of racism. UA is a great school that is an entirely different environment from the George Wallace days. It seems people just won’t recognize that. It’s not like Forrest Gump any more people. Yes, at a school of nearly 35,000 students there are racists. Shocking, I know.</p>

<p>I think it’s kind of strange that the civil rights movement started because people were “living in the past and wouldn’t let slavery go”. Now, it seems that progression is faltering because of the opposite problem. UA enrolls what, like the third highest percentage of AA students of any public university? People can find racism in almost any situation if they want to. It’s usually those crying against racism that seem the most racist to me. Surround yourself with open minded people and be done with it. </p>

<p>I hope the one race of all, human beings, can someday work together to live a better life and achieve the goal of reaching our full potential. That is what everyone wants ultimately right? To live in a world with peace, prosperity, kindliness? Don’t we all want to achieve the pinnacle of what is possible as a race? Don’t we all want to find the cure for cancer, HIV, discover the epitome of technology? I would hope so. But no, we’re arguing in this thread about nonsense. This is why the whole country, and Earth, are still backwards. It’s ridiculous there is even a thread about racism on this board. I really hope that potential students can overlook the massive amount of stupidity spread in this thread. I would hate for some student to forego a great, free education, solely because they read a thread where a bunch on misinformed, attention seeking, pot stirring people with strange superiority complexes decided to spread their filth and live in the past. Whatever. I moved to Alabama from Ohio several years ago. People then told me it was a backwards place full of racists, inbreds, and rednecks. It’s no different than Ohio. I had a great experience, met a large and diverse group of friends, got a free education, met brothers I’ll love for a lifetime, and have a great future ahead of me. Do you know how I did all of this at a university that once had the schoolhouse stand? It’s because it’s what I WANTED to do and UA provided an environment that supported my goals… I could have easily had the opposite experience but chose not to. I love UA because it gave me chance I wouldn’t have been able to afford in most states. I wouldn’t have gotten a free tuition scholarship at tOSU. Btw, did you guys hear what their former president recently said, haha? I am thankful everyday that my family moved to Alabama. I’m done with this thread. Just to fit some of ya’lls ridiculous stereotypes, “Life is a garden, dig it”-Joe Dirt </p>

<p>Roll Tide.</p>

<p>“I do wish greek relations everywhere were open to everyone equally, but that is simply not the case at all.”</p>

<p>“Sexism and racism can be found anywhere. It is disingenuous to claim otherwise.”</p>

<p>“Very true comments from two different posters. Both of these statements can be applied not only to Greek life, the UA, and Alabama, but to society in general. Each of us has subtle (or not so subtle) personal preferences which come into play in our daily lives, Greek or not.”</p>

<p>I haven’t read all the posts (because I hate these threads), but this isn’t some “southern throw back” to the old days.</p>

<p>I’m from Calif and Greek houses are largely segregated as well as churches. It’s not out of hate, it’s because of preference. These circumstances are not “get in the back of the bus” situations.</p>

<p>Even at the so-called progressive campuses, if you go to the dining halls, many kids are sitting with members of their ethnic/cultural groups…Muslims with Muslims, Chinese with Chinese, Blacks with Blacks, etc. That doesn’t mean that you won’t see any social mixing or dating, you will. </p>

<p>I’m not saying that there aren’t racists out there. Sure there are. Everywhere. On Calif campuses they’ve had Hispanic racism issues, Black racism issues, etc. The UCs often get criticized by others for enrolling “too many Asians.” Ugh, things can get ugly everywhere.</p>

<p>Hopefully, someday…</p>

<p>"I know a black guy who is in an IFC Fraternity at Ole Miss. Yes Mississippi the state where a black man was killed just for being black(look up James Craig Anderson). But, people of all colors interact with each other that are none Greek. I saw plenty of minority men at UA that are in interracial relationships with white women at UA as well. It is just the Greek system. The racism is one of the many reasons why the Greek system at UA is so looked down upon. I don’t know about the soroity girls, but the frats have some racist d-bags in them for sure. I don’t know the exact name of the frat, but they did a march in confederate rebel gear and stopped infront of a black soroity house like a bunch of punks. If they was actual men they would have stopped infront of the black frat house. These frats play black music at their parties as well. Just like in the tap dancing/jazz days in the past, “I like your music, but your still a ******” .To be honest I don’t know too many blacks who would put up with UA IFC hazing anyway.</p>

<p>I have been born and raised in Alabama. Like everybody else in this state I know blacks who have been following the team all their lives. When they find this out about UA they are DEVASTED and speechless. It’s a problem indeed because many blacks grew up with the majority of their friends being white and just CANNOT fit in with the NPHC. Stepping and barking like a dog, dancing with a cane, etc. is JUST NOT THEIR THING."</p>

<p>Bama187, I agree that there are racists among the UA Greeks, as there are among the non-Greeks. However, your post makes some assumptions. You wrote that the UA Frat, Kappa Alphas I believe, who marched in front of the Black sorority house, did so with the intention of insulting. This is very misleading. The frat marched down Sorority Row EVERY year, and was not intending to insult the Black sorority. </p>

<p>Second, I too have great sympathy for the Black students who associated mainly with Whites in high school, who are unable to join their high school friends in a UA frat. Yet again you assume that no UA Frat has made an offer to a Black student. Malanai is a frequent poster here, and he says his son’s Frat DID make an offer to a Black student, but he declined due for financial reasons. So please stop assuming so much. I do hope more UA frats start making offers to non-Whites, but it really is not fair to lump them all together. </p>

<p>One other thing that gets ignored here is the VERY strong presence of the historically Black Frat system at UA. I doubt that the Univ. of Connecticut has as many popular historically Black frats as UA does. </p>

<p>Finally, given that most people tend to be most attracted to members of the opposite ex who happen to be from the same race, why are we so surprised at the traditional division at UA between Black and White Greeks? I am partnered with a person of a different race, but realize that not everyone is as flexible in their attraction. Boys often join frats to attend parties to meet girls, and vice versa. So, again, why are we surprised when there is a sorting by race in the Greek system?</p>