Black Yalie's Article @ So-Called Self Segregation at Yale

<p>Well, I do think that most clubs geared around one's race will tend to be self-segregating and I wonder why anyone's surprised by this. I suppose there'll be the an occasional person not of that race who'll join the club out of curiosity or to broaden their horizons but it's bound to be few. </p>

<p>I also think it's silly to consider that a high majority of a particular race who happen to be seen hanging around together or who are the majority at some non-racial club are 'self-segregating'. It's not - it's just a matter of odds. </p>

<p>Why would an Afro-American, Jewish, Irish Catholic, Anglo-Protestant, Hispanic, Asian, or any other ethnic club expect it to be anything other than one of exclusivity? One doesn't need to place restrictions (and I'm sure most wouldn't want restrictions) to make it exclusive or at least not overtly inclusive - the title says it all.</p>

"Why do all of the black students sit together in the cafeteria," which is by Dr. Beverly Tatum


<p>An excellent read.</p>

<p>WET is also known as what you see when you press the "on" button on your remote. Just as white history month is from March to January.</p>

<p>I remember thirty years ago when I was in High School wishing I were black so that I'd have a group of friends to hang out with at lunch since they all ate together. Flash forward thirty years and I noticed that my daughter's group of friends is very diverse except that there are no blacks. When I asked her why that was she said she really didn't know, but that they all hang out with each other. For all our supposed progress in race relations, I wonder how far we've really come?</p>