Blank spaces on FASFA

Good luck. You need a lot of aid…so I hope it works out. As a CA resident…I hope you are also looking at CA public universities where you would get the Calgrant that would cover tuition? Any within commuting distance?

I read your other threads…and your EDII choice is very pricey.

Surprisingly, I am not a CA resident, I’m just applying to a lot of schools in Cali, so I can’t really apply to CA public schools since aid will be close to none. I do have public schools in my state (NY) I plan on applying to, if I don’t end up getting a lot of aid from these schools.

I am aware that my EDII choice is pricey but I am under the impression that they meet a lot of need, and I used their net price calculator and it was pretty affordable (I know they’re not always accurate but they can’t be that far off, or can they?).

Verification isn’t a bad thing 1/3 students get chosen for it

Your instate public college choices in NY have the potential to be affordable.

@sybbie719 would maybe be able to tell what types of aid a $0 EFC student would receive. I’m not sure how TAP interfaces with the Pell Grant. You would also be eligible for the $5500 Direct Loan for your freshman year.

You had mentioned on one thread about UCLA which is why I wrongly thought you were instate for CA. But I guess you figured out that the CA publics give no need based aid to OOS students.

@thumper1 I actually have quite a bit of knowledge on financial aid and affordability of my in-state schools. The problem is they aren’t my first choices or ideal schools, especially since I want to study in or near the Los Angeles Area due to my intended major. So, all I am hoping is that these CA privates give enough money for me to afford, or I’m just going to have to stay in-state.

The SUNY schools are really good. I assume you have looked at those?

@JBSeattle Yes! Only one on my list (that has my major) is Binghamton. Beautiful campus and I heard it’s really great and has a good film program.

Sounds like Binghamton would be a great option if you are admitted.

Unless you applied SCEA or REA, you could have applied EA to Binghamton too.

Earlier you wrote

Here is the part that you are not going to want to hear but is the truth of your situation:

The reality of your situation is that none of the California schools that you have applied to will be affordable. None of them meet 100% demonstrated need, leaving you with a big gap to fill. Then there will be the transportation costs associated with flying from one side of the country to the other. calculate the cost of cab fare from NYC to both airports, flights during peak times like thanksgiving, winter break and spring break (this will be a few thousand $$)

I would add more SUNY schools to your list. You don’t have the luxury of having such a narrow focus as there is only one school out of the 64 SUNY schools that have your major. If you are trying to “go away to college”, you will need to use a bottoms-up approach of crafting and affordable list starting here.

With a 1300, you are just making the the middle 50 for general admissions. However, your GPA could be problematic in general admissions (file for EOP and if they take you general, then it is all good).

If your 0 EFC is a result of your being income due to your parents working (they do not owe a business), then you should have swept the board as a NYS student and applied to as many EOP/HEOP programs as possible.

You still have time to craft a better list of affordable options because right now you have none.

Use the SUNY program search to find some affordable programs

There is media production at Buffalo State (where you may even get some merit money to fill that gap after applying full tap, full pell and your full loan)

Purchase (especially if you want to study film)

I would even venture to toss an application at NYU for HEOP (which ends up being one of the few programs at NYU that will meet pretty close to 100% demonstrated need including dorms if you live in NYC).

I think you need to apply to the SUNYs now, not wait until you hear from other schools. The SUNYs are great schools and some are getting pretty competitive for admissions.

I agree that you need to broaden your choice of majors. I don’t see a Media Studies & Culture major at Binghamton. Purchase has one, but it’s a Master’s program. If you’re looking for film then Buffalo, Fredonia, and Purchase should all be on your list. If you don’t get enough money for residential college you can do 2 years at a cc then transfer. If you take the federal student loan the first 2 years and save it you could use the money for the last 2 years at whatever school you transfer to.

Where did you apply EA?

Most colleges that use the FAFSA only do not meet full need. You said the school didn’t use the Profile.

Unless you applied to University of Chicago or Princeton, your full need probably won’t be met.

Do you live in NY city? Or someplace else in NY state?