Bloomsburg vs East Stroudsburg vs West Chester vs Tech College of PA?

When we were at a campus tour of Bloom, there were a number of students there looking at the nursing program, most were from out of state.

As mentioned above, Geisinger Medical Center, Danville is very close to Bloomsburg. It is the primary hospital for the Geisinger Health System and about 20 minutes from Bloom. If they had an arrangement w/ Bloom, I think that would be a fabulous opportunity.

My nephew’s girlfriend took nursing at Wilkes University. They list merit awards for stats, but it still is a high ticket price, IMO. Best awards and you are still looking around $30K plus She actually had 3 years of clinicals in that program. It might also be worth looking at depending on your expectations for COA.

I agree with considering York - my dd was admitted to ESU and then got more aid than expected (merit) at York (and she is a good but not over the top outstanding student) - and York seemed like a much better program all around; her merit there ended up such that the cost was about the same as ESU

I have read your topics in 2018. Did your daughter attend York? My daughter has been accepted into Nursing. She is an mid to high 80’s student so not near a top student. York is on the top of our list that includes ESU, Widener, maybe Wilkes and Marymount.

Is she happy there and how is the support in the Nursing department? Does she like campus life there? Any help would be appreciated. We are looking at Fall 2021.

I have read your topics in 2018. Did your daughter attend York? My daughter has been accepted into Nursing. She is an mid to high 80’s student so not near a top student. York is on the top of our list that includes ESU, Widener, maybe Wilkes and Marymount.

Is she happy there and how is the support in the Nursing department? Does she like campus life there? Any help would be appreciated. We are looking at Fall 2021.

Hi - my daughter is a junior at York right now. She also was not a super top student. She applied early action and received much more merit money than we expected – ended up equal in costs to ESU (where she was also accepted). We felt it was a much better program and the local hospital where most of the clinicals take place is a Trauma 1 center and has and NICU.

She is happy there – it is a challenging curriculum which is to be expected I suppose. She enjoys campus life as much as she can with the demands of her major. The Nursing department is supportive and she is finding a lot of opportunity. Definitely a good choice - things are a little odd with the whole COVID 19 thing but overall she likes it. Hope that helps.


Everything you just said is what we were thinking. We have visited twice and ESU once but we know York seems to have a much better program. Her number one school was Kent State but not a true direct admit and since she is not an A+ student we can’t run the risk of her not making the cut even though more do than do not. Glad to hear your daughter is doing well and likes it.

My oldest daughter had a friend go through York’s program and is very employed where we live on Long Island. We know another girl locally who loved York but left Nursing for Education there. Didn’t like Nursing.

I do like the 4 1/2 year option even though more costly if things get really tough.

Thank you!

Yes - my daughter came close to having no choice this semester – she struggled with the Med/Surg course and Pharmacology at the same time – but she passed both, one with a high C and one with a solid B. 76 is passing or you have to take the course AGAIN. :upside_down_face:

Thanks about the 76. You just told me something I did not know!

My stepson’s girlfriend is also a nursing student in a different program and has a similar grade level for passing - I think hers is 77

Bloomsburg also has a really good nursing program. My friends daughter is about to graduate with her BSN and has already accepted her dream job.

Yes, it is. Unfortunately my daughter was accepted into school but not the program. Over 1,000 apply for 150 spots.

Yes it is so competitive - that is why my daughter went for pure direct entry - she had to get the grades but that was her against her and nobody else