Blount - Engineering Living-Learning Community

<p>Anyone have any experience or knowledge of this program? The dorms look like “super” suites but are not considered Honors dorms? Do you have to make a choice between this program and the Honors College or can both be done at the same time? Thanks.</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>The engineering living community is in Bryant, which is an all-male dorm, or Riverside East for female students. If you choose to be in the engineering learning community, you can remain in the honors program, but will not be able to move in the honors dorms as an upperclassman. So, you may wish to reside in the honors dorm the first year, and then select a different dorm for another year.</p>

<p>You may wish to look at the Q and A about selecting dorms.</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Is Bryant still the dorm for the football players? I know it was “way back when” I was at UA.</p>

<p>[Bryant</a> Hall - The University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Yes, but it was seriously remodeled and rededicated in 2005. It also includes a full-service academic facility. It consists of 2 buildings…don’t know if it was 2 buildings back then.</p>

<p>I only remember one building. I went there to tutor a football player. Turned out he was very bright and needed very little of my help. The thing I remember the most is that he gave me a little tour and every place we went, the guys would jump up and greet me politely. Very polite and well-disciplined. These were the days of Bear Bryant which are apparently back!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the info/feedback. My son may be better off in the Honors College if it’ll help him stay in Honors housing as an upperclassman. I suppose he can find some engineering roommates and create his own mini Engineering Living-Learning Community.</p>

<p>agl -</p>

<p>Just an thought, but DS is a freshman in Engineering and Honors dorms, and currently a pledge with Theta Tau (Engineering fraternity). Is getting all the Engineering advice, study time, help and guidance he could ever need. I think this is really going to work out best for him. Just an option.</p>

Excellent suggestion! My son and I have discussed frats and have wondered whether they are as difficult to pledge as the “infamous” UA sororities. Not that the sororities themselves are infamous but the competition to pledge is suppose to be enormous. Just a rumor?</p>

<p>I can’t speak for the social fraternities, Theta Tau is a professional one, though they seem to get their socializing done :wink:
As far as competitive and difficult to manuver, I don’t think that’s the case at all, DS responded to a few emails, attended preliminary functions, and they seem to have clicked.
He did say the other day that his grades are better as a pledge (he thinks) than if he were not pledging… that’s great to hear!
If you think this is something you might be interested in I’d be happy to pass some info over to DS and I’m sure he could put your son in contact with the right people over there… PM me :)</p>

<p>Agree wholeheartedly with AL34. My DS is in the same situation, freshman, honors dorm, EE major and is also a pledge at Theta Tau. I was getting the impression he was spending so much time there I wondered if his classes were really going as well as he indicated. Found out they have a required time they need to spend there studying. Maintaining his high standard as mid-term grades attest. He opted to wait on Engr. LLC for later and I think he’s found a nice combination of people outside his major (honors dorms are mixed) and those with similar interests in frat & department groups.</p>

<p>^ well socal, seeing as I think there are only ten pledges, half girls, bet our sons know each other! (as she heads off to the Theta website to look at the picture :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>we’ll have to stay in touch and compare notes as things progress as far as living situation etc…</p>

<p>Thank you AL34 & socal2bama. I will certainly take you up on your gracious offer and send you a PM once my son is ready to commit to UA. I think he was certain UA was the correct choice until yesterday’s football game. Now he is considering South Carolina…just kidding. Thanks again for the help and advice!</p>

<p>^LOL DSs decision came down to South Carolina (honors) and UA… that game was a heartbreaker!</p>

<p>My son too is a pledge at Theta Tau. too funny that three of the pledges have parents on this board.</p>

Well if that is a requirement then I guess my son is in for next year!</p>