Blue & Gold for UC - summer school?

If Blue and Gold covers tuition, is it only during the regular school year? Our CalGrant will cover most of tuition, but we also qualift for blue and gold. Looking at my daughter’s major, she needs 2 summer school classes this summer in order to be on track for fall. (Physics and Chem). I’m trying to figure out if she can do them at the univeristy or if we need to have her take them at the community college.

@RoseBud44: I would contact your D’s school’s Financial aid office but I am pretty sure that the Blue and Gold is only for tuition for regular session not Summer.

As long as the courses are UC transferable, taking them at a CC is a good idea. Are the Physics and Chemistry part of a series? If so, then taking them at the University you would a better option.

Thank you! That is helpful. I think she will need to have a conversation with the school.