Boarding school COVID discussion 2022

I don’t quite understand the reporting here…I’ve been keeping a close eye on it. There is data missing in the Week of a Jan 3rd section, as yesterday there was a total of 16 student cases and 10 employee cases. Today those numbers are up to 18 & 22 respectively.

PEA has decided to continue with remote learning for next week, citing delays in getting test results. There is possibility to go back to normal early if test results are received and look good. Activities will be virtual or in a modified form for distancing.

Thanks! The boosted kid is asymptomatic. The younger kid who didn’t qualify for a booster was very ill but seems to have turned a corner. I’ve been very pleased with the overall care they’ve received at the health center.


Kiddo1’s roommate just got a positive test result. Fortunately roomie is asymptomatic. We aren’t sure what this means for Kiddo1 yet.

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I’m glad to hear they’re both doing well. It’s hard being away from a sick kid, let alone two (even though one is asymptomatic)!

I believe it was not updated during winter break, as on December 16 I remember thinking “ugh, it’s at 16 now? Another 2 people got it?”

Also, the School just sent out an email communication effectively endorsing the “live with Covid” approach. Here’s some tidbits (if you’d like the full text, I can DM it):

Naturally we are acutely aware that the prevalence of Omicron, even if most cases appear to be relatively mild, is unsettling and represents a challenge for a residential school. But we are in a very different place than we were just one year ago, pre-vaccine, and we have learned a lot about living and functioning during a pandemic.

We have shown we can do this, and we will continue to find a way. We opened in August with Delta cases spiking, and we didn’t let that stop us; nor will this.

  • We are living in a time of unpredictability. As a community, we are learning to live with this uncertainty, and to live with what at times feel like slightly inconsistent protocols (As some of you ask, why do we mask in the classroom but allow masks off in the dining hall?). It is important to remember that we are not applying a single perfect solution – it is a series of layered protocols, like swiss cheese, that, taken together, provide a safe and healthy environment, while not stifling all movement and freedom of our community members.

The letter also linked these two articles: Colleges Need to Catch Up to the Post-vaccine Reality - The Atlantic and The case for COVID optimism, despite sky-high infection rates : NPR.

I’m glad to finally see institutions “getting it”—a lot of colleges certainly don’t seem to.


Our school’s weekly newsletter said the day of arrival testing caught one additional student and one additional staff member that the previous 2 pre-arrival tests had not caught. Since then (Monday) there have been 33 cases…… better than the 116 this week at my son’s unmasked public school.

I was surprised: day of arrival antigen testing turned up 9 additional positive student cases as well as 4 employees.

There were 6 additional positive students from PCR since then and 2 additional teachers.

Herd immunity anyone?

I was happy to get this email as well, but am now hearing from Kiddo1 that isolation is back to 10 days for positive cases.

Can vouch that your school is not alone on masks indoors.

My son’s school is also masked indoors. Has been since sept. with very few cases on campus. A few more than typical this past week (I think 16 new positives). The school is doing a great job IMO managing this.

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THIS. This is what has to happen.

BTW both Harvard and Dartmouth announced that they’re staying the course with in-person teaching, so at least some colleges are also “getting it.”

DD is home as a close contact. PEA is sending close contacts home if within driving distance even if tested negative…

Our school wants us to have a nearby emergency contact to potentially send kids to. We know one family 2 hours away and haven’t seen them in 7 years so doubt they’d want my kid if she gets it I should say when she gets it- close contact emails 3x this week, the last one she sat across from at dinner the night before. It’s just a matter of time. Hopefully the spread slows.


DA is still doing sit down dinners?

Yes DA is still doing sit down dinners. And if I understand the latest email they will be doing them instead of walk through because it’s faster and easier on the staff…. But I just skimmed the email it was so long.

It’s our first day back and already a lot of people have gotten it. Hopefully this doesn’t make us go virtual.

Email from last night

Groton is sending close contacts home even if they test negative and live in California!