<p>Since people were kind enough to post their audition experiences here, I feel that I should share ours now that we have gone through the Boston audition.
I have some positive feedback and some not so great feedback that I didnt see anyone else post, so take the good with the bad, and be prepared for both.
The greeting staff and students at the school were very nice, so that part was in line with what I had read. Also, the dance audition was in fact as fun and wonderful as people had stated in other posts. The information session was okay, but there was no faculty, just the dean of admissions and the financial aid person, plus students from three of the programs. I would have liked to hear directly from faculty as we have experienced at other schools, but the way they had scheduled the auditions, this was not feasible.
Unfortunately, and most importantly, the vocal and acting judges were not at all warm, and left my son feeling very disappointed in the experience. He feels that he did fine, but he didnt get a warm and fuzzy at all. In my opinion, the most important factor in selecting a school is how you are treated by faculty, and they didnt leave a good impression. If you are planning to audition, keep in mind that the vocal and acting auditions are separate and in different time slots, possibly a few hours apart.
The facilities at Boco are very old, tired, and small. For the dance audition, people had to cram in very small hallways for a couple of hours, so be prepared for that. Dancers, be sure to take a bottle of water because you will get a major work out. You will also have a lot of fun, so enjoy the experience.
Inside the buildings it was extremely hot, so dress in layers; otherwise you will feel sick. The tour was okay, but there was little access to anything due to the spaces being in use, including the theatre. Also, they did not show us a dorm room, so we have no idea what the rooms would be like. FYI, the dorms do not have wireless access or AC.
Good news is, they are informing people of their decision quickly, so we dont have to wait until April to find out.
If you have any questions about our audition experience, Ill be happy to answer.</p>
<p>Did they tell you they would be notifying students before April?</p>
<p>Yes, they said they would try to send the No’s ASAP so that kids who were not accepted could move on to other schools, and would send Yes’s “soon” as well.</p>
<p>Actually they said we’d be finding out via email the last week in march.</p>
<p>Wow, they’ve changed the audition at BoCo since last year, apparently! My D did her acting and vocals in one room with three people, and the auditors were extremely nice. (She did her dance audition first in another building and had a heck of a fun time. They really put you through your paces, dancewise, there!) Also, far as I know, last year everyone heard “Yes” and “No” at the same time.</p>
<p>My Boco audition went fairly well… I think I really enjoyed all the down time I had between each audition that day. It was very convenient that we had practice rooms available to us on the 5th and 6th floor as well. Overall it was a very enjoyable experience. I went for a tour this past August and while on it, the girl who was a senior voice major conducting the tour brought my mom, sister, and myself into one of the dorms which were very nice and old fashioned. There was also a lot of space in them. But keep in mind it was before the autunm session and there was no furniture
I hope we get emails SOON!</p>
There is wireless internet…
AC there is not but you might really only miss it in September… June, July and August when you really need it there are no classes.</p>
<p>Also you can’t really paint an accurate picture of how faculty will treat you through how you are treated in the audition… that could really go either way and I think thats valid for any school…</p>
<p>But from what my D is reporting back to me she is having the experience of a lifetime both in what she has learned so far and with the faculty and students. No school is going to be 100% perfect anyway but this one comes darn close!</p>
<p>Any questions for a parent, contact me, or for a student, I can put you in touch with my D.</p>