Bom chicka wah wahhhh

<p>Hispanic male from a public school in NY state.
GPA- 89.8, so about a 3.5 uw
SAT- 470 CR, 550 M, 620 W -really screwed up. plan on retaking October and Nov.
AP- 3- English Lang.
AP- 2- USH</p>

<p>Freshman and Sophomore years: 6 honors classes combined
Junior year classes:
- AP Humanities USH
- AP Humanities English
Senior year classes:
- IB Spanish
- IB English</p>

JV Indoor Track
Freshman Baseball
JV Volleyball
V Rugby
Sports Challenge Club
Gifted and Talented
Features Editor of School Newspaper
International Baccalaureate Program</p>

Olde English F Award
Spanish National Honor Society
Dimension Literary Magazine</p>

Little League Baseball
Guitar Lessons- 2 years
Writers & Books Camp
Camp College Prep
Camp Cory
Marketing lessons from Rochester Red Wings (Minor League Baseball Affiliate of the Minnesota Twins)
I also went to Peru to work on IB paper</p>

Work at Empire State Games
Work at Food Link
Other volunteering</p>

Little League Baseball Umpire
Work at Grocery store</p>

<p>School list:
First choice: Elon
Ithaca College
James Madison
Michigan State
then either Boston U or Emerson College</p>

<p>Elon and Boston might be stretches but the rest aren't that far off... how did keep a modest gpa and get a 2 on the easiest AP test?</p>

Ithaca College-Safety
James Madison-Safety
Michigan State-Safety
Boston U-Match
Emerson College-Match</p>

<p>non: it was because of 2 things: barely studying for the test and taking the actual course--something I should have never done because i didn't want to put in the time required to get a decent grade. lol</p>

<p>You being Hispanic helps so much it is unbelievable. My sister applied for colleges back in 1997 with a 2.8 and Hispanic. Got in to top schools like CWRU, RPI, CMU, UIUC due the fact she was Hispanic. Your good to go dude. Check out some higher end schools also.</p>

<p>any other opinions?</p>

<p>bump one last time</p>

<p>thanks a lot for your loads of help</p>
